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Avibras delivered the third batch of ASTROS vehicles to the Brazilian Army in a ceremony on September 28th, at the 6th GMF (Grupo de Mísseis e Foguetes – Missiles and Rockets Group) in Formosa, state of Goiás.

The Brazilian Army received MK6 vehicles: two Fire Control Units, which coordinate and control the rockets launching procedures; three Mobile Meteorological Stations, that make the meteorological survey optimizing utilization and precision of the rockets; and three Mobile Combined Workshops, which provide maintenance up to the 2nd Echelon for a batteries of missiles and rockets.

The new vehicles are part of the ASTROS 2020 Program that contemplates the development of the Tactical Cruise Missile (AV-TCM) and the AV-SS-40G Guided Rocket, the modernization of the current 6th GMF vehicles, and the implementation of Forte Santa Bárbara structure. Avibras is the prime integrator part of the program.

The date chosen for the ceremony was appropriate because it also celebrated the anniversary of the 6th GMF and diplomas were given to the military personnel and civilians who contributed to the activities of that Unit and among them, Avibras president, João Brasil.

Military and civilian authorities took part of the event as well as a great part of the “Artillery Community” of Brasília, and also, foreign authorities represented by military of friendly nations.

João Brasil performed a symbolic handing over of the new vehicle’s keys to the Artillery Lieutenant Coronel Elson Lyra Leal, Commander of the 6th GMF. A commemorative plate was also given to General Carlos Alberto Neiva Barcelos, Logistics Commander of the Army, referring to the event.

The event also counted with a firing demonstration of AV-SS-30 rockets from the ASTROS vehicles, and the first firing was done by General Barcelos himself.

The presentation impressed the audience, moreover knowing that  the ASTROS is a Defense System produced by a company 100% Brazilian, which has been developing technology for the past 57 years, bringing wealth and social development.


Avibras has started the qualification phase of the MANSUP (Surface Anti-Ship Missile), developed in partnership with the Brazilian Navy (MB) and other IDB (Industrial Defence Base) companies. At this stage, the Test Flight Models and the prototypes to be  launched from ship will be assembled and tested.

MANSUP is a strategic project of the Brazilian Navy that will equip the future ships of the Brazilian Navy fleet. The launching of the first prototype is scheduled for next October.  

Currently, Avibras is responsible for supplying the rocket-motor, the development of the SAU (Safety and Arming Unit), which is a sophisticated system responsible for arming and securing the motor, the development of the wings, gutters, attachment rings among many parts of the missile and the assemble and test of the prototypes.

The MANSUP project came on the stream of the success  of the development of the AV-RE 40 motor for the Exocet missiles of the Brazilian Navy. Avibras considers this project a priority and works for its success in the qualification phase, which will allow its continuity to the production phase.

Avibras and its technical partners keep going strong together with the Brazilian Navy, honoring their commitment with this important project for Brazil.

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Avibras presented the technological competence of Brazilian Defence Strategic Industry at Eurosatory Exhibition – 2018. It took place in Paris, France, from June 11 to June 15 and it is considered the biggest international event focusing Land Forces. 

Avibras displayed the Artillery Saturation Rocket System (ASTROS) in its 6th generation, a world reference in its class and an internal sales champion and export leader. The system was adopted in Brazil by the Brazilian Army and Navy, and also by many other Armed Forces worldwide; the ASTROS System is recognized by its performance and operational reliability.  

The company is proud of participating in the Brazilian Army Strategic Program ASTROS 2020, which has as a main goal the provision  of the National Land Force with a strategic dissuasive and modern system. In this context, Avibras’ work includes the development and production of the Tactical Cruise Missile from its conception thru its engineering design, flight tests, and others, with its own ingenious high level of technology.

The ASTROS 2020 Program also includes the manufacturing and supply of new ASTROS MK6 vehicles and the modernization of pre-existing MK3 batteries, bringing them to the same operational standard MK6, besides supplying integrated simulators, representing what is of most advanced in technology and operation, regarding training and simulation.

The ASTROS System is internationally consolidated as a superior solution in Artillery Saturation Rocket System, efficient for the nations in the assurance of their defense and sovereignty. Its permanent technological evolutions guarantee the access to the technology on its state of art.

Also on the spotlight was the Ground-to-Ground and Air-to-Ground Rocket System (SKYFIRE-70) comprised by launchers, different rockets and support material.  It consists of a complete System, versatile and extremely effective, that can be launched from fixed or rotary-wings aircrafts and fired from launchers on the ground. The Skyfire-70 rockets are also used as sub-caliber training ammunition for the ASTROS System.

Avibras’ expertise in the Brazilian Space Program was highlighted at the event after the presentation of the sounding rockets Sonda I and Sonda II and also training rockets, which are national technological solutions, that go back in its pioneering participation in the beginning of the Brazilian Space Program in the 60’s.

Avibras has the competence and is ready to expand its role in Space Programs, especially for the manufacturing and integration of Launcher Vehicles for Small Satellites, as shown by its participation in the development and fabrication of the S50 rockets motors for the Microsatellite Launcher Vehicle (VLM-1), in the National Program of Space Activities of the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB).


On April 26th, a delegation from the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB) was at Avibras to visit the company’s installations, to check closely its technological and industrial capacity, its  development possibilities of  dual-use technologies created in the space area and to strengthen its bond with the company.

The delegation included AEB Chief of Staff Leila de Moraes; C&T Analyst Fabiany Maria Made e Vellasco, from Space Policy and Strategic Investments Directorate; and technologist Aline Bessa Veloso, from Satellites, Applications and Development Directorate.

Currently, Avibras takes part of the development and manufacturing of the S50 rockets engines of VLM-1 (Microsatellite Launcher Vehicle), hired by Funcate (Foundation for Science, Technology and Space Applications) and IAE (Institute of Aeronautics and Space) in the scope of the National Program of Space Activities of the Brazilian Space Agency.

Avibras has participated of the Brazilian Space Program since 1960, when the first rockets Sonda I and Sonda II were manufactured. Until now, Avibras has manufactured over 500 training rockets to be launched from CLA (Alcântara Training Center), in Maranhão and CLBI (Barreira do Inferno Launch Center).

With expertise in the development of national technological solutions in the aerospace area, which originated with its pioneering participation in the beginning of the Brazilian Space Program, AVIBRAS is the only 100% Brazilian company of private capital with technical capability, industrial infrastructure and competence to supply and integrate launchers for the Brazilian Space Program in elaboration with the Government.

Planta Fábrica de PBHT programa espacial

Avibras Indústria Aeroespacial is going to invest over R$72 million in its facility in Lorena (SP) for the construction of the new factory that will produce PBHT (Hydroxyl-terminated Polybutadiene), a major raw material in the production of solid fuel. This capacity is of the great importance for the rockets of the new Brazilian Space Program.

This is a strategic investment decision of the company for Brazil and for Avibras as it is the key to recover the national sovereignty in the production of solid fuel, essential for aerospace activities.

The construction of the new factory is responsibility of the company, which rely on its own resources and a 100% refundable financial of the National Bank for Economic and Social Development  (BNDES) to meet the investment demand.

The new factory will represent an expressive increase of direct and indirect employment in the region.

With the beginning of the operations scheduled for the end of 2019, the factory will be capable of producing up to 2000 tons of PBHT a year. The PBHT production reinforces the chemical industrial talent of the Lorena facility, which already produces PCA (Ammonium Perchlorate), another essential element for the production of solid fuel.

The control over the production process, enabled by the construction of the PBHT factory, will reestablish the company self-sufficiency in production and protect the national interest from embargoes since this raw material is produced by few countries in the world and none of them in the south hemisphere.

Besides the applications in the Defence and Aerospace areas, PBHT has many other purposes in the civil market such as insulating, sealing adhesive, waterproofing material, encapsulation, coating, film, etc.

Pioneering and expertise in Space Area

Avibras has participated on  the Brazilian Space Program since 1960, when the first rockets Sonda I and Sonda II were manufactured. Up to the moment, Avibras has manufactured over 500 training rockets to be launched from both CLA (Alcântara Training Center), in Maranhão and CLBI (Hell barrier training Center).

Currently, Avibras takes part of the development and manufacturing of the S50 rockets engines of VLM-1 (Microsatellite Launcher Vehicle), hired by FUNCATE (Foundation for Science, Technology and Space Applications) and IAE (Institute of Aeronautics and Space) in the scope of the National Program of Space Activities of the Brazilian Space Agency.

With expertise in the development of national technological solutions in the aerospace area, which originated with its pioneering participation in the beginning of the Brazilian Space Program, Avibras is the only 100% Brazilian private company of its field with expertise  to integrate launchers for the Brazilian Space Program.

A stimulation in the market of small satellites is perceptible after the rising of the international demand, and the CLA has a suitable infrastructure for launching small artefacts for actuation in low orbits.

data magna Marinha

Brazilian Navy Data Magna, celebrated on June 11th, exalts The Battle of Riachuelo in the morning of June 11, 1865 in Paraná River. The battle is considered by many historians a decisive moment of the War of the Triple Alliance against Paraguai and it represents one of the most important victories of the Brazilian military history. Besides, the battle was the greatest military conquest of South America.

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On April 13th, Avibras was visited by a delegation headed by Air Force Brigadier-General Maurício Silveira de Medeiros, Chief of ASPAER - Assessoria Parlamentar e de Relações Institucionais do Comandante da Aeronáutica (Parliamentary and Institutional Relations Consultancy of the Aeronautics Commander).

The group, composed of personalities from Rio Grande do Sul and São Paulo, visited companies related to the national defense industry coordinated by the Office of Brazilian Air Force Commander.

The delegation learned about Avibras history and its main projects, especially the development of the Tactile Cruise Missile AV-TM 300, recognizing important aspects of the company’s industrial evolution and technological competence. They also had the chance to see the infrastructure and the products of the company, highlighting the ASTROS vehicles (Artillery Saturation Rocket System).

The delegation was composed of:

- Jorge Cladistone Pozzobom, Mayor of Santa Maria (RS);

- Tiago Gorski Lacerda, Mayor of Santiago and President of Associação dos Municípios da Região Centro – RS (Central Area Municipality Association - RS);

- José Police Neto, City Councilor of São Paulo;

- Tirso de Salles Meirelles, Vice-President of the Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock of São Paulo;

-  Wilson Poit, Secretary of Desestatização e Parcerias da Prefeitura de São Paulo (Privatization and Partnership of  São Paulo);

- Paulo Afonso Burmann, President of The Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM);

- Nilza Zampieri, President of The Science and Technology Park of Santa Maria and Professor of the Center of Technology (UFSM); 

- Carlos Costabeber, President of Conselho Superior da Agência de Desenvolvimento de Santa Maria - RS (Higher Council of Santa Maria Development Agency);

- Tiago Marchesan, Director of the Center of Technology (UFSM);

- Lissandro Dorneles Dalla Nora, Director of Ambiente de Inovação da Universidade Franciscana (Innovation Environment of the Franciscan University);

- André Luis da Silva, Coordinator of the Aerospace Engineering Course (UFSM);

-Natanael Rodrigues Gomes, Coordinator of the Telecommunication Engineering Course (UFSM);

-  Lisandra Manzoni da Fontoura, Coordinator of ASTROS 2020 Project (UFSM);

- Paulo Marese, Coordinator of the Acoustic Engineering Project with Embraer;

-  Márcio Antonio Mazutti, Professor (UFSM);

- Flávio Cabreira Jobim, President of Unicred/RS and Director of Unimed Technology in Santa Maria;

- Rodrigo Décimo, President of the Câmara de Comércio, Indústria e Serviços de Santa Maria (Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Santa Maria);

- Colonel André Portela Batista, Chief of Institutional Relations and Strategic Studies of the 3rd Infantry Division;

- Colonel PM Ricardo Gambaroni, Former Commander of the Military Police of the State of São Paulo;

- Silvio Pires de Paula, President of the Marketing Research and Intelligence Institute;

- Nelson Campelo, President of UStore, Company of Strategic Defense Products;

- Ricardo Jobim, Director of Jornal Diário and Legal Director of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Santa Maria (RS);

- Reinaldo Theocharis Papaiordanou, Director-President of SOMAERO - SP;

- Sérgio Acquesta, Vice-President of SOMAERO - SP;

- Acácio Queiroz, José de Podestá e Paulo Augusto de Azevedo Antunes Júnior, Directors of SOMAERO - SP;

- Abel Sarmento da Rocha, Architect and Director of Sabel;

- Paulo Roberto Garcia, Partner-Director of Tamarana Technology;

- André Luís Saraiva, President of PRAC Environmental Management;

- Ricardo Lacerda, Businessman and Aircraft Pilot;

- José Roberto Maluf, Director-President of the Group Spring;

- Antonino Freire, President of Régia Consultancy;

- Francisco Antonio Soeltl, President of Micropower;

- Álvaro Leopoldo e Silva Filho, Publicist and Vice-President of MB Productions;

- Luiz Alexandre Chicani, CEO e Founder of CLUB Saúde and BenCorp;

- Dom Mathias Toletino Braga, Abbot in São Bento Monastery;

- Luis Carlos Ambrosio, Businessman;

- Edson Martins Poit, Service Provider.

Besides Air Force Brigadier-General Maurício Augusto Silveira de Medeiros, the FAB delegation consisted of Colonel Avelar Konrad Hergemann, Deputy-Chief of ASPAER; Lieutenant-Colonel Sandro Bernardon, Chief of Staff; Major Chrisitano Pereira Haag, Deputy-Chief of the DRJ (Division of Relationship with the Judicial Branch); Third-Sargent Débora Albuquerque de Campos, Assistant; and corporal Hiago Rodrigues Mota, Assistant.  

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On April 12th, Avibras welcomed Brigadier-General Ivan Ferreira Neiva Filho, Chief of the Army Project Office (EPEx) and Brigadier-General R/1 (Reserve) José Júlio Dias Barreto, Manager of the Army Strategic Program ASTROS 2020. The goal was to get to know the technological and productive capability of Avibras, as well as to follow the evolution of the contracts related to the ASTROS 2020 Program.

“What impresses me the most in Avibras is its sense of commitment. Not only it delivers a Defense product to the Brazilian society, but the company also delivers technology, defense, dissuasion, showing the world the Brazilian Flag”, highlights General Neiva.

Nowadays, the Brazilian Army has 16 Strategic Programs in the most diverse areas. According to the army, there is a vast range of possibilities for Avibras that begins with the partnership among industry, academia and government.

General Barreto, Manager of the Army’s Strategic Program ASTROS 2020 affirmed that in each visit to Avibras he gets more satisfied and proud of being Brazilian. “We had the opportunity to see the evolution of the equipment that will be part of the free jet tunnel and the integration of all the development work of the Tactile Missile Cruise. It gives us great satisfaction and security”, he said.


Partner of the Brazilian Navy in important strategic projects for the country, such as the development of the Surface Anti-Ship Missile (MANSUP), Avibras congratulates the Navy on the Science, Technology and Innovation Day (CT&I), celebrated on April 22nd, and on the 10th anniversary of the General-Directorate for Nuclear and Technological Development for the Navy (DGDNTM).

To celebrate the date, DGDNTM will host a ceremony on the 25th, at 4PM, in the Navy’s Command Noble Room in Brasilia, with the presence of many authorities of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of the Federal Government, as well as Diplomats and the Academy.

During the ceremony, there will be the launching of the 29th edition of the Naval Research Magazine (Revista Pesquisa Naval) and the giving of the Honorable Mention and the Sovereignty through Science Award (Prêmio Soberania pela Ciência).


The Naval Research Magazine – “Revista Pesquisa Naval”

The Naval Research Magazine (RPN) is a scientific periodical of annual publishing, that presents to the community a collection of studies developed by researchers of the scientific, technological and innovation areas, which themes are in accordance with the Navy’s fields of interest.

The Sovereignty through Science Award - “Soberania pela Ciência”

The Award, created in 2016, aims at recognizing and rewarding the best work developed by researchers and/or research teams of the Navy’s Scientific, Technological and Innovation Institutions (ICT), which have the potential to contribute to the achievement of the strategic goals related to the Navy’s Science, Technology and Innovation Doctrine, thus the national scientific and technological development. In this second edition, the Award was granted to the work “Metodologia para Estimativa Computacional do Ruído Vibratório em Propulsores” (Methodology for Computational Estimation of the Vibration Noise in Propellants), developed by researchers of the Directorate-General for Nuclear and Technological Development of the Navy: First-Lieutenant (RM2-EN) Eduardo Ribeiro Malta (author), Captain-Lieutenant (EN) Alceu José dos Santos Moura and Captain-Lieutenant (EN) Rubens Cavalcante da Silva (coauthors).

DGDNTM will also grant the Honorable Mention and the Sovereignty through Science Award to the Science and Technology Guild of the Naval School for the accomplishment of the Solar Boat Project. The Project aims at developing and applying renewable technologies in different kinds of crafts, as well as encourage the development of other projects.



On April 22nd, date of birth of Admiral Álvaro Alberto, a meaningful date for Science and Technology in Brazil, and in particular to the Brazilian Navy, this prominent Brazilian and marine is honored. Patron of the Science, Technology and Innovation of the Brazilian Navy, Álvaro Alberto has left as his legacy the unwavering conviction that the domain and application of knowledge are the vectors for the National Progress.








ASTROS 2020, a strategic program for the Brazilian Army, completed a significant milestone on February 1st, with the ribbon cutting ceremony of The Rockets and Missiles Logistics Center at Santa Barbara Fortress, Formosa, Goias. Avibras, a Key Partner of the Program, attended the event.

The new Center will be responsible for transportation, supply and maintenance of the ASTROS 2020, a long range fire support, multi-caliber and high accuracy and precision artillery system.

ASTROS 2020, as a key driver of the Brazilian Army transformation process, is composed of research and development projects, vehicles acquisition and modernization, as well as new facilities, stablishing an efficient, flexible, secure, reliable, and rapidly deployed fire support system, enabling the Land Forces to a vast array of missions, including extra regional dissuasion.


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Avibras participated in the Kuwait Aviation Show 2018 (17- 20 January) as part of a growing presence in Middle-East. Two key products were showcased, ASTROS System (Artillery Saturation Rocket System) and the Skyfire (Ground-to-ground and Air-to-ground 70 mm Rockets System).

Avibras is a known participant on Defense & Security as well as Innovation & Technology Shows around the word, as part of a global strategy to promote its solutions. Such events are important means to consolidate Avibras presence on the Global Market and to bring new business opportunities.


In January 25th, the Brazilian Army Opened a Rockets and Missiles Artillery Training Center, in the city of Formosa (State of Goiás). The Center is considered an important step  in the  evolution of the Brazilian Army Artillery and has the mission of qualify officers and sergeants to operate missiles and rockets, besides contributing to the improvement and development of the Employment Doctrine. The new unit is part of the ASTROS 2020 Strategic Program of which Avibras is the focal point. 

The company´s role encompass  the development and supplying of the Tactical Cruise Missile, Guided Rocket and new ASTROS Vehicles (Launchers, Ammunition Suppliers, Command and Control, Meteorological and Ground Support), all in the new MK6 version. All this in the highest technology level and going from initial conception thru engineering design, flight tests, prototyping and high technology accessories definitions.

Avibras is proud to take part in this program which is one of the inductor of the Brazilian Army transformation process.  The partnership between the Defence National Industry, Brazilian Army and Academy Representatives in the Research & Development of defense strategic product is essential for the sovereignty of the nation.

Avibras innovates with the concept of a new space for a collaborative technological development focused on innovations and technologies applied to its area of operation. The company expects it to be one more success for São José dos Campos’ s Technology Park, where it will be installed the Avibras Technology and Innovation Space in the first semester of 2018.

This new initiative will have its activities at the Business Center IV, which will open on November 14th. Avibras aims at creating a proper “startup” environment that will allow the combination of efforts among the industry, the technology parks and academia, so as to create innovative solutions and strategical technological development in Brazil.

“In Brazil, there is a significant amount of brilliant initiatives in different areas of technology that end up not creating enough critical mass to prosper and establish the technological knowledge in a pragmatic and durable way. The idea is to explore the Defence-Industry-Academia System of Innovation (SisDia, in Portuguese) that aims at increasing the cooperation and the interaction among the government agencies of all levels, the Brazilian industrial base and universities. The company’s goal is to create an “embassy” of the many institutions involved in the greatest and most traditional Heart of Aerospace Defence and Security in the country”, stated João Brasil Carvalho Leite, Chief Executive Officer of Avibras.

The purpose of this Space is to develop brazilian “know how”, promote the qualification of specialists, create processes and tools, and even products and business that assure competitiveness in Brazil and instigate the entrepreneurship spirit.

The Space created will be open to professionals and researchers and will have an adequate infrastructure to promote the interaction and collaboration in both physical and virtual environments, identify and enhance synergies aligned with the company’s strategical goals, share the available infrastructure for simulation and experimentation, sponsor and take part in events such as workshops, seminars and encounters, promote permanent Innovation Forums with structured lectures, foster academic-industrial research and the development of applied knowledge, besides providing mentorship with experienced professionals of the area.
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Avibras attended the XIX SIGE (Symposium of Operational Applications in Areas of Defence) from September 26th to 28th at ITA (Aeronautics Institute of Technology). It consists of an annual academic event that aims at creating an appropriate environment for exchanging experiences between the academia, industries and Armed Forces concerning teaching themes, research and development in National Politics of Defence.

This year’s edition focused on areas of interest related to Defence Operational Analysis, Command and Control, Electronic Warfare and Weapons Systems, specifically directed at the presentation of articles, posters, lectures and mini courses.

Avibras received many visitors in its stand, including students, teachers and officers from the Armed Forces. The company exhibited innovative solutions in the Defence area, especially for Aeronautics.

Venâncio Alvarenga Gomes, Business Development Manager, believes that Avibras’ participation was extremely important to narrow the relationship with the academic community, which is strategical for the company. “It is an opportunity to show our business and our plans for the future”, he said.

Among the authorities present at the stand was the Brigadier Engineer Demétrio César Santos, Vice-President of the DCTA Project (Department of Aerospace Science and Technology) of São José dos Campos.

From the talent search point of view, the Coordinator Patrícia Helena Simões, responsible for the selection and training of personnel, affirmed that the event was very positive. “ITA is considered a mine of new talents in engineering. It was a great opportunity to introduce our company and interact with one of the greatest universities in the country”.

Avibras Indústria Aeroespacial has always been ahead of sustainable initiatives, and in order to highlight them, released its first Sustainability Report, in accordance with Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) policies, which is a standard international report.

The report gathers information concerning the economical, environmental and social performance of Avibras, during the period of January 1st to December 31st, 2016, showing to the market and the society how the company continuously generates value.

The document approaches the most relevant themes of the company’s management such as Business Strategy and Economic Performance, Manpower Qualification, Relationship with Government, Healthy Workplace, Excellency in Technology, Quality and Security of Products and Services, Relationship with the Community and Local Development, and Governance and Ethical Conduct.

The year of 2016 was a year of accomplishments, changes and renewal for Avibras. The content also includes the process of strengthening of its corporate governance and the search for new opportunities. The synergy resulted in substantial changes in its administrative structure, reflected in its financial and economic performance, and in its productivity and innovation.

It is now an important moment in the history of Avibras, rescuing its origins, opening new doors to conquer more space in the national and international markets. The Company has been working to guarantee that the environmental, social and economic themes, focused on the creation and distribution of value, are present in its strategy and in its every day work.

The complete report is available at: www.avibras.com.br.

About Avibras

Avibras Indústria Aeroespacial is a privately-owned Brazilian company recognized worldwide for the excellence and quality of its products and systems. Its essence resides in the company's innovation and independence in critical technologies in the areas of aeronautics, space, electronics, vehicles and defense.

In the course of 56 years, Avibras has consolidated its position as driver of development by doing business in a way that generates value for customers, shareholders and society in a sustainable manner through employees who are professionally fulfilled.

With large and modern facilities located in Vale do Paraíba in the state of São Paulo, the main aerospace technology hub in Brazil, Avibras creates competitive differentials of quality and innovation, that are essential to maintain itself as a big player in the world market of Defense.

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Last June Avibras completed 56 years of pioneering and innovation and to celebrate this milestone, its journey was presented through an exhibition entitled “Our History” that took place at Lorena and Jacareí facilities.

Employees had the chance to travel in time and get to know the company’s history, its many products, and its founder, engineer João Verdi Carvalho Leite, considered a global citizen and a visionary who, with his great modesty, achieved the status of an icon as far as technology and innovation in Brazil is concerned.

In a successful trajectory, Engineer Verdi got Brazil recognized into one of the most competitive markets in the world – the Defence market. Besides the panels, the event included the display of models of Avibras’ main products and videos showing the facts that highlighted the company development.

The employees could experience and recall moments that helped build Avibras’ history, values, and culture.

Another attraction consisted of the survey “What’s your dream for Avibras?”, in which two computers were available at the exhibition area for the employees who took part in the initiative.

Appreciation of Our People – “Our History” exhibition is the result of one of the Change Management Group actions that was created last year to promote the alignment of all workers towards a common direction and to clearly communicate all the Strategic Planning goals to them.

All the activities aim at the valorization of human resources and the promotion of a major integration between the company and its employees, emphasizing the importance of team work, harmony and alignment in all levels. 
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Focusing on social responsibility actions, Avibras has donated a ton of rice to the “Professor Climério Galvão César” Municipal School in Lorena, which is participating for the third time in the Solidarity gymkhana organized by Vanguarda TV.

The food delivery took place on May 22, with the presence of Avibras collaborators Rubens Rodrigo and Débora Dellamonica the school principal, Nilson Domingo Bueno da Cunha and Lorena’s Deputy Mayor, Marietta Bertelega, president of the municipality Social Solidarity Fund. Avibras also counted on Transpaula's support in transporting the food to Lorena.

This is the first phase of the gymkhana, where participating schools need to collect rice. The Lorena school is in Key 4 along with Guaratinguetá, Roseira and Silveiras. This year 18 schools in the region participate in this great chain of solidarity.
All food collected is destined to the assistance entities of each participating municipality.

Acknowledgment - Students were overwhelmed with Avibras’ donation. "This partnership with the companies located in our city is very important. We thank Avibras immensely for this support. It was primordial”, said the school principal, Nilson Cunha.

Deputy Mayor Marietta Bertelega also acclaimed the initiative. "Without the patronage of companies, most of the actions of the Social Solidarity Fund would not be possible. Congratulations to Avibras for this praiseworthy action”, she said.

According to the Vice President of Brazil and Americas and Institutional Relations, José de Sá Carvalho Júnior, it is a great satisfaction for Avibras to support the school in an event that encourages children and adolescents to help charity organizations. "Avibras' way of handling business and its behavior among strategic publics is as important as its annual revenues and the quality of products put on the market", he said.

According to Sá, it is essential for Avibras to integrate sustainability into its management processes in order to improve its competitiveness, legitimacy and perenniality. 
