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To reinforce transparency and comply with the best corporate governance practices, Avibras launched on Tuesday, 16th, in a meeting with the managers, the Ethics Channel, an exclusive means of communication that allows the receipt of complaints in a secure and confidential manner, of conducts that violate either its Code of Ethics or the current legislation.
The channel is part of a series of actions implemented by the top management with the objective of strengthening Avibras in the market, seeking the best results, more safety and a working environment even more aligned with the values and culture that helped build the company.
The Comercial Vice-President of Brazil and Americas and Institutional Relations, José de Sá Carvalho Júnior, said that Avibras is improving its governance with tools that contribute to a management model of excellence. "These improvements must transpire within the organization so that we can grow sustainably."
The Administration and Human Resources Manager, Claudio Motta, who left the Company's Ombudsman Office, highlighted the importance of an independent and exclusive channel for denouncing any misconduct, allowing a greater transparency in the process. "The internal ombudsman's office was a great learning experience. In two years, there were many demonstrations of various kinds, including suggestions and compliments”, he said.
According to Claudio Motta, the suggestion boxes will remain in the company under HR governance for exclusive receipt of suggestions, criticisms, compliments and doubts.
Executive Manager of Internal Audits Mario Filipini, who is also vice president of the Ethics Committee and secretary of the Audit and Risk Committee, explained that the Ethics Channel is an essential tool for conducting business sustainably with transparency and integrity .
Filipini explained to the managers the operation of the channel and clarified doubts. According to him, it is important that managers share this information with their employees so that there is a deployment process and the involvement of the whole company.
He also commented on the good practices that have been incorporated in the management of Avibras, such as the strong performance of the Ethics and Audit and Risk Committees in the company's integrity program. "The Code of Conduct is undergoing an update process to meet the needs of the company and the market, in addition to the internal rules of the Ethics Committee, which will also undergo a review", he added.
At the end of the meeting the managers received a pamphlet and a roller clip (retractable badge holder) allusive to the Ethics Channel. All employees will receive the gift at the end of the month.
Disclosure - The Ethics Channel is being widely disseminated to all audiences with whom Avibras maintains a relationship. Internally, posters have been posted at various points throughout the company. Adhesives have also been distributed in several areas.
A banner has been published in the intranet, as well as journalistic material. Its April/May issue, “Nossa Gente”, the company's internal journal, will also bring a report on the subject.
The Ethics Channel is also in evidence on the company's website in order to meet the needs of the external public, above all.
Learn more about the Ethics Channel
1) What is it?
It is an exclusive Avibras channel for secure communication and, if desired, anonymous, of conducts that violate the company's Code of Conduct or current legislation.
2) Why does Avibras maintain an Ethics Channel?
Avibras management model is based on transparency. The company practices, develops and perfects its culture through solid and well-defined standards and procedures, in order to strengthen its governance and compliance processes.
The Ethics Channel was created to receive possible reports of misconduct and other irregularities. Avibras, like other private sector companies, is an integral part of the fight against corruption.
The union, information and total engagement in the culture of transparency make the company's sustainable growth possible.
3) Who can complain?
Collaborators, third parties, suppliers, customers and the community in general.
4) How does it work?
The complaints can be made through the Internet, www.canaldeetica.com.br/avibras and/or through a toll-free telephone line: 0800 741 0001 every day, 24 hours, by answering machine or from Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 8 pm, to talk to an analyst. As a global channel, the service is done in Portuguese and English.
5) How does it work and who receives the complaints?
The registered information is received by an independent and specialized company, ensuring absolute secrecy and Avibras Ethics Committee will handle each situation accordingly, without conflicts of interest.
6) Is the channel secure?
The channel offers complete security and secrecy to the process of receiving complaints.
7) Is anonymity guaranteed?
Yes. The confidentiality of the denunciations is guaranteed, preserving the identity of the people involved. There is no possibility of identification if the author makes this option.
8) Can the complaint be identified?
Yes. The author can choose an anonymous complaint or identify himself. The identified option is focused on the cases in which the rapporteur makes himself available to be contacted in order to clarify possible doubts about the report provided.
Reports with identification are very important because they can make the investigation more effective.
We remind you that this is an anonymous, secure and reliable channel.
9) What to report?
• Morale harassment or physical aggression
• Sexual harassment
• Acts of prejudice and discrimination
• Conflicts of interest
• Collusion (cartels, manipulation of proposals and pricing)
• Non-compliance with internal norms and policies
• Destruction or damage to assets
• Behavior deviation
• Favorability or conflict of interest
• Fraud
• Theft, robbery or material misuse
• Bribery (tips, donations, donation facilitation)
• Insider Trading
• Use or trafficking of prohibited substances
• Violation of laws in general
10) Who investigates the complaints?
All complaints are handled by an independent area, which reports to the Audit and Risk Committee on what was received, how it was analyzed and what action was effectively taken in each case.
11) What steps are taken and how to follow my complaint?
If the complaint is appropriate, the company will take the appropriate measures provided for in the Code of Conduct and in the legislation in force, depending on the content of the same.
The whole process can be accompanied by the Ethics Channel through the protocol number.
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Once again, Avibras outshines at the LAAD Defence & Security, held from April 4th to 7th at Riocentro, in Rio de Janeiro. The event is considered an international reference in technology, innovation, and business generation.
During this edition of the event, the prototype of the Guará 4WS Light Armoured Wheeled Vehicle highlighted at the Avibras stand, attracting all visitors’ attention. This vehicle is part of the newest family of the Avibras Armoured Vehicles which, in this latest version of Armed Reconnaissance, allows the employment of five crewmembers properly equipped with an excellent level of protection, promptness, and extreme mobility with 4x4 traction and four-wheel driving and steering systems.
The MAN-SUP (anti-ship missile launched from the ground) prototype was another attraction of the event.
Avibras hosted a great number of international delegations and Brazilian authorities, as well as representatives of the Armed Forces and journalists from the specialized media.
Besides the Guará vehicle, the company has also spotlighted its partnership with the Brazilian Armed Forces by means of the projects A-Darter (Brazilian Air Force), MAN-SUP (Brazilian Navy), and the ASTROS 2020 System (Brazilian Army).
Projection – Avibras seeks the consolidation of its presence within the markets where the company already operates and also to constantly identify new opportunities in order to expand its participation in the market by aiming at creating a backlog which enables the expected return for the society where the company, its collaborators, and shareholders are inserted.
Avibras has always prioritized its participation in great fairs specialized in Defence, due to the benefits that such events offer to the companies for the promotion of business, brand, products, and services.
Being part of all the editions of LAAD, Avibras express that the specialized events also represent great platforms for the sales consolidation in Brazil and abroad and, at the same time, they bring excellent prospects for the company.
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Worldwide recognized for its excellence and the quality of its products and defence systems, Avibras Indústria Aeroespacial will take the prototype of the Guará 4WS Light Armoured Wheeled Vehicle to LAAD Defence & Security 2017, which will take place from 4th to 7th April, at Riocentro - Exhibition & Convention Centre, in Rio de Janeiro. This vehicle is part of the newest family of the Avibras Armoured Vehicles which, in this latest version of Armed Reconnaissance, allows the employment of five crewmembers properly equipped with an excellent level of protection, promptness, and extreme mobility with 4x4 traction and four-wheel driving and steering systems.
The vehicle is also intended for tactical employment during special operations of security forces in urban areas: fight against organized crime, security vans and bank robbery, as well as the combat to drug trafficking. As a versatile multi-task vehicle, it may be also employed in the combat against armed conflicts. The vehicle is also available in a personal transport version, cargo transport, emergency ambulance, mortar launcher vehicle, anti-tank vehicle, and assault tactical vehicle.
Guará will be featured in the exhibition stand of the company, located at Hall 4 – Stand D-50 together with the ASTROS AV-TCM (Tactical Cruise Missile with range of 300 km), powered by turbo-jet propulsion, which has reached its final stage of development and certification. The AV-TCM is a project already contracted by the Brazilian Army, within the scope of the ASTROS 2020 Strategic Project, whose main purpose is to equip the Land Forces with a state-of-the-art defence system.
The partnership between Avibras and the Brazilian Armed Force will also be highlighted during the LAAD by the exhibition of the programs A-Darter (Brazilian Air Force), MAN-SUP (Brazilian Navy), and ASTROS 2020 System (Brazilian Army).
Avibras takes part in the binational program between Brazil and South African Republic for the development of the 5th generation Air-Combat Missile A-Darter which will equip the Gripen fighter aircraft of the Brazilian Air Force.
In partnership with other Defence Industrial Base companies, Avibras takes part in the development of the MAN-SUP, anti-ship missile launched from the ground, being responsible for the engine and final integration of the missile, among other components that will equip the future ships of the Brazilian Navy fleet.
Aiming at equipping the Land Forces with a modern strategic system of extra-regional deterrence, the ASTROS 2020 Strategic Project is in full progress and will enable the launching of several rockets of the ASTROS family as well as the Tactical Cruise Missile from the platforms of the latest Universal Multiple Launcher in its MK6 version. The system is provided with means capable of supporting the long-range firing with high precision, lethality and mobility.
The system also allows the firing preparation, from the moment of receiving the mission, establishing the flight path command and control, up to the damage control, being connected to the Command and Control System of the Brazilian Army Ground Task Force (SC2Fter).
Prospects – Avibras has always prioritized its participation specialized Defence Exhibitions, due to the benefits that such events offer to the companies for the promotion of its products and services as well as for business opportunities. Avibras is part of LAAD history, taking part in all its editions and recognizes LAAD as the most important exhibition in the security and defence sectors in Latin America.
The specialized events also represent great platforms for the sales consolidation in Brazil and abroad and, at the same time, they bring excellent prospects for the company. Recognized for the high level of its participants, LAAD Defence & Security is considered an international reference in technology, innovation, and business generation.
About Avibras
Avibras Indústria Aeroespacial is a Strategic Defence Company, 100% Brazilian, which develops its own innovative and independent technology in Aeronautics, Space, Electronics, Vehicles and Defence, generating value for its customers, shareholders, employees, and the society in a sustainable way.
Founded in 1961, Avibras is a centre of innovation and development – a genuine system house. The organization has an outstanding position in the history of the aerospace sector as one of the pioneers in the project and development of aircraft, special vehicles and defence products.
With great and large industrial installations in Vale do Paraíba (São José dos Campos, Jacareí, and Lorena), centre of the main Technology and Aerospace Park in Brazil, Avibras stands out by the production of the ASTROS 2020 System (new generation of ASTROS System- product of greatest success), capable of launching rockets, cruise missiles, and guided rockets.
As part of the national and international market, Avibras has also an outstanding position due to the development and industrialization of different rocket engines and missiles for ground, air, and maritime employment; fixed and movable C4ISTAR systems (Command, Control, Communication, Computing, Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance), as well as the Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) – Falcão.
Result of a bold and entrepreneurial project, the Avibras armoured vehicles plant and missiles laboratory may be considered one of the most modern in Brazil. The industrial park allows the development of new products, fostering the job creation, investment in technology, and the growth of the range of products for the domestic and foreign markets.
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On January 25th, the change of command ceremony took place in the 6th GMF (Group of Missiles and Rockets), in Formosa – Goiás. The Lieutenant-Colonel Alexandre de Almeida Melniski transferred the command and authority of the unit to the Lieutenant-Colonel Elson Lyra Leal. Avibras honoured this event represented by a team led by the engineer José de Sá Carvalho Júnior, Brazil and the Americas Commercial Vice President and Institutional Relations Vice President.
The ceremony was presided over by the Divisional General Luis Carlos Pereira Gomes, Planalto Military Commander, and attended by the Army General Juarez Aparecido de Paula Cunha, the Commander of the DCT (Army’s Department of Technology), the former commanders of the 6th GMF as well as the civilian and military authorities from the region of Formosa.
The Lieutenant-Colonel Melniski will continue his career at the ASTROS 2020 Strategic Project office and, therefore, will keep in close contact with Avibras.
The Lieutenant-Colonel Elson was serving at the Intelligence Centre of the Army when he was assigned to this new position. He already has experience with the ASTROS System, acquired during the period he commanded an ASTROS Battery at the former 8th GACosM (Motorised Coastal Artillery Group) in Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro.
The 6th GMF is the only unit of the Brazilian Army which operates the ASTROS System. Over the recent years, the unit has received the modern ASTROS vehicles in their Mk6 version as well as the Mk3M modernized vehicles, thus concentrating the greatest firepower of all Latin America and the impressive strategic dissuasive capacity, besides being the generating centre for training and doctrine on the employment of missiles and rockets artillery.
Avibras wishes the officers great success in the execution of their new functions.
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Avibras closes the year 2016 with an important milestone in the history of the Brazilian Aerospace sector, restating and strengthening its outstanding position in this field as one of the pioneering companies in programs of space research.
On December 22th, the Brazilian Institute of Aeronautics and Space (IAE) hosted the contract signing ceremony for the manufacture of S50 engines belonging to the VLM-1 and the VS-50 projects, which represent a special moment in the development of the Microsatellites Launching Vehicles.
The event was attended by the president of Avibras João Brasil Carvalho Leite, the Brazil and the Americas and Institutional Relations Vice President José de Sá Carvalho Júnior as well as other representatives of the company, the Director-general of the Department of Aerospace Science and Technology (DCTA), the Air Lieutenant-Brigadier Antonio Carlos Egito do Amaral, the IAE Director Engineer Brigadier Augusto Luiz de Castro Otero and the Projects Director of the Foundation for Science, Technology, and Space Applications (FUNCATE) Dr. Donizeti Andrade.
This contract marks the end of an extensive work started in September 2015 with the creation of the Terms of Reference No. 024/2015, in which the IAE requested to the FUNCATE the elaboration of the Offer Request for the delivery of eight S50 engines, necessary for the all stages of the VS-50 and the VLM-1 projects, until the first flight of each project prototype.
After more than one year of managerial, technical, and commercial analysis, period when the professionals of AIE and GAC-EMBRAER furthered the discussions in these three areas, they reached the Final Offer – Revision C, of November 2016, from the only provider, the Avibras Air and Marine Division S.A.
Throughout the following twenty-six months, the company must manufacture the project of the S50 engine and produce six engines together with their accessories, followed by AFI and IFI (Industrial Fostering and Coordination Institute) technicians for the best development of the contract regarding the technical and quality points of view, and the FUNCATE for the managerial, financial, and administrative points of view. The two remaining engines will be matter of the Amendment of the Contract, after revision, submission, and approval of the Amendment of the Agreement 001/2015, between the IAE and the FUNCATE, for the development of the VLM-1.
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On November 14th, Avibras delivered the second batch of Modernized ASTROS 2020 System vehicles composed of six Universal Multiple Launchers and three Ammunition Supply Units to the 6th MRB (6th Missiles and Rockets Battalion) of the Brazilian Army. Such vehicles will be fielded by the 2nd Battery of the 6th MRB. The ASTROS 2020 Program is part of the National Defense Strategy and is integral to the Brazilian Army transformation process.
The Logistics Commander, General Guilherme Cals Theophilo Gaspar de Oliveira presided the vehicles delivery ceremony which took place in Formosa (Goiás).
In his speech, General Theophilo reminded that the Brazilian Army Artillery Command will be set up in Formosa and, within its structure, there will be a Missiles and Rockets Logistics Center.
The Planalto Military Commander, Lieutenant General Luiz Carlos Pereira Gomes pointed out that it is a great pride to have the greatest firepower in Brazil. General Pereira Gomes also reminded that the City of Formosa will join Training, Operation, and Logistics the Country´s Artillery with pride.
The President of Avibras, João Brasil Carvalho Leite highlighted that is very important to the National Defenses Industry that the Brazilian Army use equipment produced in Brazil as this helps the Defense Industry when competing with the external market.
The ASTROS 2020 Strategic Program
The ASTROS 2020 Strategic Program aims at providing the Land Forces with means capable of offering a long-range fire support with high accuracy and lethality. The ASTROS 2020 Program has different phases: (1) creation and implementation of a Missiles and Rockets Unit, Missiles and Rockets Artillery Training Center, Missiles and Rockets Logistics Center, Target Acquisition Battery, Ammunition Bunkers, Administration Base and a Training Field in Formosa; (2) development of two new munitions: a Guided Rocket and a Tactical Cruise Missile with 300 km range; and (3) construction of Military Housing and other facilities necessary for the well-being of the Military Family in the Formosa garrison.
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Avibras had an important participation at Indo Defence Expo & Forum in Jakarta, Indonesia, last 2 to 5 of November.
Important authorities visited Avibras booth where its line of defense products was on display, including the ASTROS (Artillery Saturation Rocket System), worldwide reference in its class.
The ASTROS System vehicles are considered one of the most advanced equipment in use by the Indonesian Defence Forces.
The exhibition was composed of more than 750 companies from 55 countries.
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On the last 14th October, the launching of another Basic Training Rocket (FTB), developed and manufactured by Avibras, took place in the Launching Centre of Alcântara (CLA), in Alcântara - MA. This event is part of Falcão I/2016 Operation, which aimed in the operational training of the centre team for preparation, launching, and tracking of rockets.
The event was carried out with the presence of the Air Force Colonel Cláudio Olany Alencar de Oliveira, CLA´s director, the Air Force Lieutenant-Colonel José Alberto dos Santos Bezerra, Training Rocket Project Manager (Projeto Foguete de Treinamento - FOGTREIN) and the Avibras Sales Executive Mr. Marco Aurélio Almeida.
The rocket launching was successfully performed. The Basic Training Rocket (FTB) followed theexpected flight path and the nominal parameters were reached.
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The Guará 4WS Light Armoured 4x4 Vehicle stood out at the 4th BID (Defence Industrial Base) Exhibition, held from September 27th to 29th in the Ulysses Guimarães Convention Center, in Brasília. The prototype of the vehicle was displayed in the Avibras’ stand, which welcomed the Ministry of Defence Raul Jungmann and many other military authorities.
The event counted with more than 3.5 thousand people, being entrepreneurs, military attachés, representatives of embassies and governments, and nearly 100 exhibiting companies.
The presence of Avibras in exhibitions such as BID Brazil aims at promoting the company’s businesses, especially the products with high added-value and services in the national and international market, consolidating the sales in the Brazilian market and abroad.
The Guará 4WS Light Armoured Vehicle was entirely designed and developed by Avibras for military use, being able for use by the three Armed Forces, as well as for public security employment. This vehicle has a high level of ballistic protection and the capacity of increase or decrease of this protection due to the modular conception used in its project.
The high load capacity of this vehicle combined with its agility and extreme mobility with a 4X4 traction and four-wheel driving and steering systems are the Guará’s distinctive features which are fundamental for operation in urban and rural areas.
Avibras has also exhibited the AV-TM ASTROS Tactical Cruise Missile and the AV-SS-40G Guided Rocket during the event.
The BID Brazil Exhibition is promoted by the ABIMDE (Brazilian Defence and Security Industries Association) with the support of the Ministry of Defence, the Armed Forces, and the APEX-Brazil (Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency).
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In the coming September 27th up to 29th, Avibras will take part in the 4th BID Brazil Exhibition in the Ulysses Guimarães Convention Center, Brasília. The purpose of this event is to generate new opportunities for international businesses, supporting and creating new markets for the Brazilian companies when presenting their expertise in products and services. Avibras has taken part in the exhibition since its first edition, in 2012.
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Sustainable development, transparency, and ethics at the organization are constant themes in the Avibras’ agenda. Avibras recently donated a heat exchanger equipment to Cepac - “Criança Especial” de Pais Companheiros Association (“Special Children” of Colleague Parents Association), a non-profit care institution from Jacareí. Check out the report of TV Câmara Jacareí.
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Avibras’ employees, Patrício Rejas, Mauro Ribeiro (DCBA) and engineer Kathia Sá (GENS) visited the Agulhas Negras Military Academy (AMAN), in Resende - RJ, on July 06th, 2016 in order to know the Firing Support Simulator (SIMAF) operated by the Brazilian Army (EB) for artillery training purposes. They were met by the Lieutenant-Colonel Aquiles, the SIMAF commander.
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After one year with no hydrotherapy (physiotherapy in water) for its patients, the Cepac – “Criança Especial” de Pais Companheiros Association (“Special Children” of Partners Parents Association), a non-profit institution from Jacareí, can now celebrate. Avibras donated a heat exchanger, an essential equipment to heat the swimming pools where the therapy of people with neurological disabilities is done.
The delivery took place in June 23th and was attended by Avibras Corporate Governance Director Márcio Santos, members of Avibras Sustainability Committee, Patrícia Santarém and Márcia Assad, the President of the Chamber Representatives of Jacareí, Arildo Batista and the Institution representatives, Antonio Amado Pinto, president, and Ana Maria Bonfim, manager.
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On June 17th, Avibras received the “Friend of the Airborne Brigade” titleship, in military ceremony which took place in the 12th Light Infantry Brigade (Airborne), in Caçapava – São Paulo. The objective of the ceremony was to recognize the people and companies who provide relevant services to that Military Unit.
The engineer Eduardo Avila (DCBA/AMC) represented Avibras during the event. “Receiving this title in the name of the company brings me great honor. I am proud to see the gratitude of the Brazilian Army towards the activities supported by Avibras and in which the company takes part.”, he said.
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Between June 17th and 18th, Avibras participated in the “DemonstrArt 2016”, which took place in the Agulhas Negras Military Academy (AMAN). DemonstrArt is intended to pay homage to the Arm of Artillery, the main firing support of the national ground forces.
The celebrations at AMAN starts every year on June 10th, date of anniversary of the patron of the Brazilian Arm of Artillery Marshal Emílio Mallet, and finishes with the graduation ceremony and the exposition of artillery materiel. During the ceremony, real firings are performed with the artillery equipment.
Avibras took part in the ceremony with the AV-LMU launching AV-SS-09 TS rockets (training rockets), which were fired by the AVIBRAS team, supervised by the Reserve Colonel Hélio Barroso (GEDP/APLC) with the support of Major Alexandre Villa, Liaison Officer of the Brazilian Army (EB) at Avibras.
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In order to reinforce the commitment to conduct its business with integrity and meet the national and international anti-corruption standards and policies, Avibras took part, on May 18th, in a conference on procedures for compliance and classification for the information in the framework of Law on Access to Information (LAI), at SAIN (International Affairs Secretariat) in Brasília. The company was represented by the associates employees Fernando Mandaji (Finance), Graziela Marques (Communication and Ethics Committee), and Paulo Henrique Gabriel (Sales).
The conference aims at presenting to the exporting companies using the resources of the Official Export Credits Programs, new procedures for identification and prevention of practices of corruption acts during export credit operations with official supports.
The procedures meet specially the recommendations and commitments undertaken at the OCDE (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) scope.
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The Guará 4WS 4X4 vehicle for police operations, entirely designed by Avibras, stood out as one of the highlights at LAAD Security (Public and Corporate Security International Exhibition), which took place between April 12th and 14th at Riocentro – Exhibition & Convention Center, in Rio de Janeiro.
Avibras officially presented the vehicle prototype, which holds all the technology applied in its successful projects for military employment. As a result, Avibras developted a vehicle with excellent level of ballistic protection and quick increase and decrease of protection due to the modular concept applied in the project. The great agility and extreme mobility with four-wheel drive 4x4 and four wheel steering are the vehicle special features, which are fundamental for off-road and urban operation.
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Recognized worldwide for the excellence and quality of its products and defense systems, Avibras Indústria Aeroespacial will officially present the prototype of the Guará 4WS 4X4 vehicle, version for police operations, in LAAD Security (Public and Corporate Security International Exhibition) from April 12th to 14th, at Riocentro – Exhibition & Convention Center, Rio de Janeiro.
The exhibition gathers national and international companies which supply technology, equipment, and services for Public Security, Police Forces, Special Forces, Law Enforcement, Homeland Security and security managers from major companies, service and infrastructure concessions from Brazil and Latin America.
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