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Avibras' Judicial Recovery Plan was approved by creditors in a virtual meeting this Thursday, July 6th, 2023. This is an important step in the company's economic and financial restructuring process, which also includes other recovery initiatives.
We know that we still have a lot of work ahead of us in the execution of our plan, but we remain firm and confident in building a new journey for Avibras.
The approved plan contains the cash generation flow, demonstrating the company's economic viability, the methods of payment to creditors and the means that will be used for the company's restructuring.
In parallel with the Judicial Recovery process, the company continues to focus on sales efforts both in Brazil and abroad. It is also seeking to expand its capital through direct investments of strategic companies, and the government is closely monitoring the evolution of this process.
Avibras would like to thank all its employees and other creditors for participating in the meeting and for their trust in the company's recovery. The company also reaffirms its effort and commitment to its recovery, with its employees, partners and customers.
The company remains confident that it will overcome all challenges and resume growth soon.
Press Office
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On the 5th, Avibras was one of the companies honored during the celebration of 30 years of work of the Aerospace Industries Association of Brazil (AIAB) for the development of the national industry. The company received an acknowledgement plaque for its contribution to the strengthening of the strategic aerospace sector and for being one of the founding companies of AIAB.
The event was attended by federal, state and municipal authorities, as well as affiliated companies and representatives of various entities in the country
We congratulate AIAB for its 30 years of history, promoting and defending the interests and objectives of Brazilian aerospace companies both in Brazil and abroad.
Photos: AIAB
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Avibras recently won the bidding process for the cataloguing of the “Tamandaré Class” Frigates. The contract lasts for one year and may be extended.
The Brazilian Navy has been conducting the “Tamandaré Class” Frigates Program since 2017 with the objective of promoting the renewal of the fleet with four modern ships, of high technological complexity, built in the country and scheduled to be delivered between 2025-2029.
Avibras is the first private industry in Brazil to be able to act as a Cataloguing Unit (UniCat) together with the Ministry of Defence, reinforcing its pioneering spirit and expertise in this area. UniCats are entities authorized to provide cataloguing services for supply items used or of interest to the Armed Forces.
In December of last year, the company received a technical visit from the Support Centre for Defence Logistic Systems (CASLODE), which verified in loco Avibras’ excellence in providing cataloguing services.
Since 2016, Avibras has carried out and commercialized codification services, which consist of collecting technical data to establish the identification and ordering of items in the form of a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) catalogue, bringing international visibility to the products and prominence in the export scenario, in addition to economic and operational benefits in the logistics area. Avibras has already catalogued more than 20,000 items (part numbers) among its own and third-party equipment.
Photo: Agência Marinha de Notícias
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The Brazilian Navy successfully launched the fifth National Surface Anti-Ship Missile (MANSUP), on the last 26th, in the south of Cabo Frio (RJ). Avibras, which is part of the project, is responsible for the propulsion, wings and other items, in addition to the final integration of the missile.
The objective of the program is to develop and produce this important defence material in Brazil with 100% national technology. Currently, MANSUP is in the production phase of a pilot batch for the functional qualification of the missile in flight.
Avibras congratulates the Navy and the other partner companies Omnisys and Siatt for the successful launch.
Photo: Agência Marinha de Notícias
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Avibras' participation in LAAD Defence & Security, held in Rio de Janeiro from April 11 to 14, was a success. The company presented its portfolio of products recognized in the world Defence and Security market to numerous foreign delegations, to the commands of the Brazilian Armed Forces and other national and international authorities, resulting in good business prospects.
Among the featured products were:
- The ASTROS II MK6 (Rocket and Missile Artillery System), world reference in its class and proven in combat;
- The Tactical Cruise Missile (TCM) capable of neutralizing targets up to 300 km;
- The new ASTROS AFC (Autonomous Firing Calculation), a version designed to offer excellent cost-benefit, allowing it to operate alone or in section, its launcher has greater firepower and capacity to calculate firing elements, to fire and to seek shelter (Shoot-and-Scoot), minimizing the exposure of the AFC System;
- The C4ISTAR, which is scalable from Battalion to Division and based on Avibras' decades of expertise in the ASTROS Command and Control System, having the interfaces for the integration of Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Search and Recognition functions and their respective connection with Command and Control Systems of higher echelons;
- The ground-to-ground, air-to-ground, sea-to-ground and Antiship Missile Systems family;
- And the ASTROS III, based on an 8x8 vehicle, which will have twice the firepower of the ASTROS AFC and will gather all the technological legacy of the ASTROS MK6, launching ballistic rockets, guided rockets, ballistic missiles and tactical cruise missiles.
Avibras' pioneering spirit and expertise in the space area were also evidenced at the fair through the VSB-30, a highly successful suborbital vehicle in the Brazilian Space Program, and the S50, the largest rocket engine ever manufactured in Brazil with 12 tons of solid propellant.
For Avibras, participating in LAAD was an excellent opportunity to promote its business, strengthen its relationship with the Brazilian Armed Forces and friendly nations, and to seek partnerships in research, development and production of new solutions for the market.
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Specialized in the development of innovative technological solutions in the areas of Defence, Aeronautics, Space, Electronics and Vehicles, Avibras Aerospace Industry will be present in another edition of LAAD Defence & Security, showcasing its portfolio of products recognized in the world market of Defence and Security. The fair, which is considered the largest and most important defence and security exhibition in Latin America, will be held from April 11 to 14 at Riocentro – Convention and Exhibition Centre, in Rio de Janeiro.
Guided by excellence and innovation, Avibras will present cutting-edge products at its stand located in Pavilion 4 – R50, such as:
- The ASTROS II MK6 (Rocket and Missile Artillery System), world reference in its class and proven in combat;
- The Tactical Cruise Missile (TCM) capable of neutralizing targets up to 300 km;
- The new ASTROS AFC (Autonomous Firing Calculation), a version designed to offer excellent cost-benefit, allowing it to operate alone or in section, its launcher has greater firepower and capacity to calculate firing elements, to fire and to seek shelter (Shoot-and-Scoot), minimizing the exposure of the AFC System;
- The C4ISTAR, which is scalable from Battalion to Division and based on Avibras' decades of expertise in the ASTROS Command and Control System, having the interfaces for the integration of Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Search and Recognition functions and their respective connection with Command and Control Systems of higher echelons;
- The ground-to-ground, air-to-ground, sea-to-ground and Antiship Missile Systems family;
- And the ASTROS III, based on an 8x8 vehicle, which will have twice the firepower of the ASTROS AFC and will gather all the technological legacy of the ASTROS MK6, launching ballistic rockets, guided rockets, ballistic missiles and tactical cruise missiles.
The company will also bring its pioneering spirit and expertise in the space area with the VSB-30, a highly successful suborbital vehicle in the Brazilian Space Program, and the S50, the largest rocket engine ever manufactured in Brazil with 12 tons of solid propellant and innovative technologies such as the use of carbon fibre for the production of the motor case, making it lighter and more efficient.
With its participation in this exhibition, Avibras strengthen its solid partnership and commitment with the Brazilian Armed Forces for the development of high added-value technologies that aim at the country's sovereignty, such as the tactical cruise missile undergoing certification with the Brazilian Army, and the company reinforces its reliability as a partner to boost cutting-edge technological knowledge in Brazil and abroad.
Operation ASTROS AVC
About Avibras
Avibras is a Brazilian technology and innovation company with unique industrial capacity and recognized worldwide for the excellence and quality of its products, systems and engineering solutions in the areas of Aeronautics, Space, Electronics, Vehicles and Defence.
With more than 60 years of experience and certified as a Strategic Defence Company (EED), Avibras has consolidated its position as one of the world's leading companies in the Defence and Aerospace segment, with the development and manufacture of special vehicles for military purposes, becoming a reference in Multiple Rocket Launch System (MRLS), ballistic and guided rockets, missiles and pioneering participation in space research programs.
Known as a company that has the “Skills to build Skills”, Avibras is a System House, offering technological solutions to meet any need of its customers, showing real diversification and spin-off opportunities in Defence, Space and Complex Systems Integration.
Based in São José dos Campos, in Vale do Paraíba, the company is a pioneer in in-house, innovative and independent technology and operates in large facilities in Jacareí and Lorena. Its workforce is composed of highly qualified engineers, researchers and technicians capable of providing solutions for the most varied segments.
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Avibras appreciates the latest manifestations of recognition of its strategic importance for the sovereignty of Brazil. The company is strongly committed to ensuring its recovery, facing the challenges and difficulties of the moment with the support, resilience and engagement of its employees.
After almost two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, undoubtedly the worst health crisis in recent human history, the company requested Judicial Recovery, a measure that helps companies in their economic and financial restructuring. Even with the conditions imposed by the pandemic, Avibras maintained its operations and preserved as many jobs as possible, however, the company could not minimize the impacts of the crisis on its business. Parallel to the Judicial Recovery process, the company remains focused on sales both in Brazil and abroad. The Brazilian government is also mobilized to actively support the company in its recovery initiatives.
Avibras is seeking to increase its capital through direct investments of strategic companies and the government closely monitors the evolution of this process, which is complex and confidential. There are several potential investors, yet no transaction has taken place so far. In the search for new investors, the priority of Avibras and the Brazilian government is to maintain the company's operations in Brazil together with its human, physical and intellectual capital, thus preserving its history of achievements built over six decades.
Avibras reinforces its engagement and commitment to recovery and to its employees, partners and customers. The company is confident that it will overcome all challenges and soon will resume its growth with work, innovation and creativity.
Public Relations
March 31, 2023
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Avibras was recently classified in third place for obtaining subsidy resources from the Financier of Studies and Projects (Finep) through the call for innovation for the Defence Industrial Base (BID), which encourages the development of innovative solutions in the area of Defence. 42 projects from various BID companies were presented, eight of which were classified within the available resources limit.
Avibras’ project is related to the suggested area of guidance, control and navigation for applications in missiles and rockets with the proposal to develop the Navigation Support Unit for Ballistic Missiles. “The objective is to create a system capable of guiding the ballistic missile on its path to the target through of Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMs) Sensors and Non-Linear Algorithms, which are innovative”, explained Mário Corrêa, technical manager and creator of the support unit proposal.
For the development of the project, Avibras will receive a contribution from Finep of R$ 14,935,529.92 over three years. Work begins in the first semester of 2023.
“The project proposal was built within the purpose of the Avibras Space for Technology and Innovation (EATI), to be the company's technology and innovation embassy and in accordance with the company's business strategy. It will also have the participation of the Von Braun Research Center, an important partner institute in the relationship with EATI”, highlighted Luiz Gentil, manager of EATI.
Congratulations to everyone involved in this project!
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Avibras was present at the 7th BID Brazil Exhibition, held December 6-8, at Ulysses Guimarães Convention Centre in Brasília. The company presented its cutting-edge technological solutions for the aerospace and defence segments with emphasis on the Artillery Rocket System for Area Saturation (ASTROS), a world reference in its class.
Consolidated as the main national Defence and Security event, the BID Brazil Exhibition was held by the Brazilian Association of Defence and Security Materials Industries (ABIMDE) in partnership with the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil) and counted with around 90 exhibiting companies and 40 institutional supporters, including the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, and the Brazilian Armed and Security Forces.
With global operations, Avibras welcomed at its stand foreign authorities and delegations, who got to know its portfolio of innovative products conceived, developed and manufactured by the company.
For Avibras, the BID Brazil Exhibition is an excellent platform for promoting business, boosting the Brazilian defence industry, and strengthening interactions with the Armed Forces, public bodies, private initiative and friendly nations.
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Avibras attended the Indo Defence 2022 Expo & Forum, from November 2-5, in Jakarta, Indonesia. It is the largest Defence and Security event in Southeast Asia.
The company was part of the Brazilian Defence and Security Industrial Base (BID) pavilion organized by ABIMDE (Brazilian Association of Defence and Security Materials Industries) in partnership with the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil). Brazil's presence at the event contributed to expanding cooperation with Asian countries, accessing new markets and attracting investment.
Important authorities were present at the Avibras stand, which presented its entire line of Defence products, including ASTROS (Artillery Rocket System for Area Saturation), a world reference in its class. ASTROS System vehicles are among the most sophisticated defence equipment of the Indonesian Armed Forces.
For Avibras, participating in Indo Defence was an excellent opportunity to promote its business, strengthen its relationship with friendly nations and seek partnerships in research, development and production of new solutions for the market
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Avibras received in February the certification of “Ethical Company”, an initiative of the Brazilian Association of Software Companies (ABES) in partnership with the Brazilian Association of Defence and Security Material Industries (Abimde).
The company is in compliance with the pillars of the “An Ethical Company” Programme, which is directed to the associated companies of the participating entities and aims at building a business environment in Brazil favourable to innovation, ethical, dynamical and globally competitive.
The certification reinforces one of Avibras’ premises, which is acting in conformity with the regulations and in accordance with the best corporate governance practices, the reason why the company is constantly investing and improving its actions related to ethics and compliance, disseminating the principles and values of the company to its publics.
As part of the Anti-corruption Compliance Programme, Avibras has a Code of Ethics that reinforces the ethical and behaviour patterns required of all professionals, regardless of hierarchical level, in work and external relations.
Avibras also has an Ethics Channel, through which internal or external public can report to the company any alleged misconduct and irregularities. It is an independent channel for the safe and, if necessary, anonymous communication to inform the company possible deviations that violate the Code of Ethics or current legislation.
Avibras encourages practical integrity through regular compliance trainings, besides the constant promotion on its communication channels. Concepts of ethics, conduct, moral and conformity are addressed in addition to day-to-day and work environment examples.
The goal is to make each employee a member in the maintenance of a healthy workplace, ensuring that respect, harmony and ethics are present in the everyday life of the company and workers.
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As a recognition for the support against the COVID-19 pandemic, the Medical School of São Paulo University (FMUSP) and FMUSP Hospital das Clínicas (Clinical Hospital) honoured Avibras in a ceremony hosted in São Paulo, in November. The company, represented by Eduardo Leonetti (pictured – third from left to right), institutional relations, received a trophy given as appreciation for the videolaryngoscope kits donated in the first semester of 2021. In addition to Avibras, other 300 partners contributed to Hospital das Clínicas.
Participated in the ceremony the São Paulo State Health Secretary, Jean Gorinchteyn; executive secretary of São Paulo State Health Secretariat, Eduardo Ribeiro Adriano; FMUSP director and chairman of the HCFMUSP deliberative council, Tarcísio Eloy Pessoa de Barros Filho; HCFMUSP clinic director Eloisa Bonfá; and HCFMUSP superintendent, Antonio José Rodrigues Pereira.
Our technology – In April this year, Avibras donated 30 videolaryngoscope kits to Hospital das Clínicas of São Paulo, benefiting Intensive Care Units (ICUs) of nearly 20 hospitals of the network.
Developed by Avibras in partnership with Protec, medical equipment supplier, and homologated by the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), the videolaryngoscope is essential to prevent the contamination of doctors and their team during the intubation of patients.
For this project, Avibras and Protec received the support of the Bronchoscopy and Pneumology medical team of Hospital das Clínicas and Doctor Andre Chiga from Hospital São Francisco in Jacarei.
The project consists in the transformation of the laryngoscope into a videolaryngoscope by adapting the Protec equipment using a camera with LED lights and a screen to provide an enhanced view of the larynx and vocal chords through a live video.
The camera is connected to a tablet, which runs an application developed by Avibras, to show the recorded images and guide the doctor during the procedure, optimizing time and preventing errors when intubating the patient.
The doctor follows the procedure through the screen, keeping a safe distance from the patient, avoiding a possible contamination. In addition, the equipment facilitates the work of professionals new to the procedure.
The videolaryngoscope kit is composed of the equipment, an acrylic protection box to support the intubation procedure, and a tablet support. Besides Hospital das Clínicas, hospitals in Jacarei, São José dos Campos and Lorena received the kits.
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In order to defend the interests of the companies in its sector of actuation and support the technological development in Brazil, Avibras actively takes part in important entities, with representatives in the board of directors of the Brazilian Association of Defence and Security Materials (ABIMDE), Aerospace Industries Association of Brazil (AIAB) and Defence Industry Union (SIMDE).
In October, the National Sales General Manager, Fernando Ikedo (pictured below), was elected first vice-president of ABIMDE’s Board of Directors for the next three years (2022-2024). The association, recognized as the leading association in the defence and security sector, promotes and values national companies within the country and abroad. In addition, it carries out projects that encourage export in order to fuel the country’s economy and the generation of highly skilled employment.
Space Business Manager, Avandelino Santana Júnior, represents Avibras in AIAB. He was elected in April this year as vice-president for the three-year term of 2021-2025. AIAB is the national association that gathers and represents the Brazilian companies in the aerospace sector, promoting and defending their common interests and objectives in Brazil and abroad.
Commercial-director Paulo Franklin is Avibras’ SIMDE representative, occupying the position of second vice-president in the 2019-2021 management. The union aims at supporting the activities of the defence sector association and working as a union association in the search for equal policies. Its main goals include the achievement of an outstanding position in the country’s industrial context, the viability of the defence industry in the foreign market, and the reinforcement of the sector’s importance before government bodies and other entities.
Avibras recently joined the National Association for Research and Development of Innovative Companies (ANPEI) and became the leading company of the Brazilian Space Cluster, managed by the São José dos Campos Technology Park, to consolidate the country’s aerospace and defence production chain.
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The Tactical Cruise Missile (AV-TCM), developed and manufactured by Avibras within the Brazilian Army Strategic Program, ASTROS 2020, was featured on the cover of the prestigious international magazine Military Technology. The special edition Brazil, published in November, presents an article on the Brazilian Defence overview, the use of new technologies, modernization of means, and acquisition of new capacities that aim at maintaining a capable ground force to face the current and future challenges.
Visit: https://monch.com/ebooks/tecnologia-militar/2021/TecMil_02-2021/
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The companies will collaborate to design joint solutions that combine their technologies and capabilities in precision guided weaponry, and that meet the needs of the Armed Forces of Brazil, Spain, and other allied countries.
Madrid, November 3, 2021 - The Brazilian company Avibras and Spanish company SMS (ESCRIBANO M&E,GMV, NAVANTIA Sistemas and SENER Aeroespacial) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding in which they join forces and establish a stable collaboration between both companies with the purpose of working on the development and promotion of joint solutions regarding guided rocket and missile systems. The signing took place during the FEINDEF International Defence and Security Fair in Madrid, and was attended by Brazilian and Spanish authorities as guests.
The agreement reinforces the position of both companies in a segment of high complexity and technologicalspecialization such as precision guided weaponry, and seeks to combine the capabilities and experiences accumulated in this field by Avibras and SMS. Avibras has in its portfolio the ASTROS System, the most flexible system on the market due to its modularity and for being the only one in the world that launches ballistic rockets, guided rockets, and the MTC (Tactical Cruise Missile) from the same launcher. SMS, in turn, consolidates the main capabilities of the Spanish industry in missile systems, including technological areas such as guidance, navigation, and control (GNC) equipment and systems for rockets and missiles, actuation systems, command, control and communications systems, and the ability to integrate systems.
The agreement reached by Avibras and SMS encourages international technological collaboration in areas such as propulsion and GNC or communications in order to be prepared to present high value-added proposals that meet the requirements of different projects currently under definition, including the SILAM project of the Spanish Army or the evolutions of the MTC for the Brazilian Armed Forces. The agreement also contemplates exporting the joint solutions to allied countries.
According to Fernando Mato, CEO of SMS, “For SMS it is an honour and pride to be able to collaborate with a world leader in rocket and missile systems such as Avibras. With this agreement, we ratify our commitment to promoting international cooperation in systems of high strategic value. We are sure that this agreement will be beneficial for both companies, which will contribute with their complementary technological and industrial capabilities, but above all, for our Armed Forces, which will have reliable solutions, fully adapted to their requirements and with national sovereignty throughout its life cycle”.
As for João Brasil Carvalho Leite, Director-President of Avibras, he has indicated that this agreement is of utmost importance for Avibras, which has found a strategic partner in Spain and SMS for two reasons.“First, for its value as a Spanish industrial benchmark in missile systems and guided rockets. Moreover, because its technological and industrial capacities are complementary to those of Avibras, and therefore do not limit the collaboration to one country. We will work together to offer the best solutions to our respective countries and other allied Armed Forces. We are confident that this long-term cooperation will result in great success with high value-added products to meet the customer needs".
About SMS
Spanish Missiles Systems (SMS) was born as a collaborative proposal of the national defence industry to consolidate and develop the technological and industrial capacities of the country in missile systems and high-performance guided munitions. The new partnership is formed with the objective of increasing strategic autonomy and national sovereignty in this area of critical military capacity, efficiently supporting the Armed Forces throughout the life cycle of the weapons systems, promoting international cooperation, and strengthening export capacity.
With 60 years of experience, Avibras Aerospace Industry is a Strategic Defence Company recognized worldwide for its excellence and quality of its products, systems and services. Its vocation in the areas of technology and innovation is evidenced by its 60 years in the development and industrialization of various defence products and systems, particularly missiles and rockets. In addition to its ability to develop and integrate complex technologies, Avibras stands out for mastering every detail of the product life cycle, complying with the most demanding quality standards and becoming the most reliable and effective partner fornational and international clients.
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Brazilian Army Commander, General Paulo Sérgio Nogueira de Oliveira, and other representatives from the Army High Command visited Avibras’ Facility 2, in Jacarei, last Friday 08/10. The visitors had the opportunity to tour the facility and get to know the company’s accomplishments and projects, reinforcing the partnership between Avibras and the Brazilian Army.
The committee visited Avibras’ exhibition room, the Rockets Assembly and Integration Area (SMIF), the vehicle production line, and ASTROS System simulator. The Generals also met with the board of directors of the company to deal with projects and matters of interest of the Ground Force.
“All Generals were impressed with Avibras, with its technological and industrial capacity, and its importance for the National Defence”, highlighted Fernando Ikedo, National Sales General Manager.
The visitors were welcomed by Avibras’ CEO João Brasil Carvalho Leite, Vice-President of Operations Almir Miguel Borges, Financial Vice-President Rodrigo Rosa, National Sales General Manager Fernando Ikedo, Business Development Manager Virlei Alves da Silva, and Project Manager Supervisor Rodrigo Gonçalves dos Santos.
In addition to the Army Commander, were also present the Army Generals Marcos Amaro dos Santos, Army General Staff (EME), Marco Antonio Freire Gomes, Land Operations Commander (COTER), and Tomás Miguel Miné Ribeiro Paiva, Southeast Military Commander (CSME), and others.
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Brazilian Air Force (FAB), through the Department of Aerospace Science and Technology (DCTA), and the Institute of Aeronautics and Space (IAE) technical team, in São Jose dos Campos (SP), performed this Friday (01/10) the first burning test of the S50 rocket motor. Avibras is responsible for the project execution, which is 100% national and financed by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation through its bound autarchy by the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB) and Financier of Studies and Projects (FINEP).
The event was attended by the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Marcos Pontes; DCTA General-Director, Air Force Lieutenant-Brigadier Hudson da Costa Potiguara; Director of Institute of Aeronautics and Space, Air-Brigadier César Augusto O’Donnell Alván; and representatives from Avibras and other organizations that were part of the project, as well as FAB General-Officers, Commanders, Directors and Chiefs of Military Organizations.
For the Minister, this is a historical moment of celebration. “Considering the Brazilian Space Program, it is as if we were now ascending to the second phase. Thanks to the effort of many people we have the possibility to improve the Space Program and expect great news ahead”, he affirmed.
The S50 is the largest rocket motor ever manufactured in Brazil, it has 12 tons of solid propellant and innovative technologies for the Brazilian Space Program, such as the use of carbon fibre in the production of the motor envelope, making it lighter and more effective. The Lieutenant-Brigadier Potiguara commented on the importance of the test. “This moment is historical and meaningful for the Brazilian Space Program. Brazilian nation must to be proud of it. For several years we have been searching for the start of this establishment, a complete circle of launching, and it began with the manufacture of the S50 rocket motor. From now on, we are only a few steps away of our VLM (Microsatellites Launching Vehicle) being able to orbit loads up to 50 kilos”, he affirmed.
The success of this test is crucial for Brazil to move forward in the final phases of the development of the S50 motor, which will provide the country new capacities in terms of production of suborbital vehicles and microsatellites launchers.
The Microsatellite Launching Vehicle (VLM-1) is a Strategic Project of the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) and it aims at the development of a VLM in partnership with the German Launch Centre. IEA Director, Brigadier O’Donnell, commented on the test. “From now on we can walk firmly towards the objectives of the Brazilian Space Program. This work has been done for years and the preparations have begun six months ago, involving dozens of people and 32 teams”, explained the General-Officer.
The first burning test of the motor is a result of a complex and challenging work, which counts with the professionalism of technicians and engineers from IAE and the contracted company. VLM-1 Project Manager, Major Engineer Rodrigo Cesar Rocha Lacerda, celebrates the success of the test. “The campaign marks a very intense work of many years involving IAE and Avibras. This success is essential so that we can go forward with our Brazilian Space Program”, concluded the officer.
“Because it was developed within the scope of the national industry by Avibras, the project strengthens the concept of the triple helix of innovation, serving as an example of the conjunct effort among industry-institute-government for overcoming technological challenges. It also demonstrates Avibras’ expertise in the development of aerospace technologies”, highlighted Avibras Manager of Space Business, Avandelino Santana Júnior.
Source: Information from CECOMSAER
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Focused on the development of new technologies, Avibras will participate, from October 5 to 7, in the Cyber Guardian Exercise 3.0, Brazil’s major cybersecurity training. The event, coordinated by the Cyber Defence Command (ComDCiber) of the Ministry of Defence, will count with the participation of 350 people from 58 public and private organizations.
The exercise reproduces cyberattacks in critical structures of the country and the participants have the opportunity to practice defence strategies to prevent a national collapse. The areas of Defence and Security, as well as the civil institutions that take part in the training, must work in a cooperative environment, with synergy of efforts, to avoid the interruption of the essential services simulated in the exercise.
The critical infrastructures consist of strategic areas for the country such as synergy services, water, telecommunication, mobility, air traffic and others.
Avibras will participate in the event together with Atech, providing the Air Defence System (SDA) jointly developed by the two companies for this event. The system will allow the participants to practice cyber defence actions in different scenarios with military characteristics.
In April this year, Avibras and Atech provided a similar system during the Locked Shields 2021 event, the greatest cyberwar simulation exercise in the world, for the countries that are part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and other invited nations, such as Brazil. For the Cyber Guardian 3.0 Exercise, the emulated systems will be fit for the Brazilian scenario.
Responsibilities – Avibras and Atech will act together, but with different responsibilities during the exercise.
Avibras will have to ensure to all weapons system of the virtual exercise a safe and resistant operation against the cyberattack of the other teams taking part in the exercise. The weapons system comprises aiming and firing subsystem, subsystem of missiles and ballistic rockets launching vehicle and programming subsystem of guided ammunition.
On the other hand, Atech will have to apply concepts and technologies of integration, governance, sensors, command & control (C2) and broad situational awareness, enabling decision-making in threatening situations, including cyberattack. The C4i receives, filters and collects the information of the radar simulator, classifies the aircrafts track data, receives data from the missiles launchers, treats all the data and sends the information of the hostile targets to the weapons system gateway. In addition, it updates the targets and missiles information at the command and control servers.
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