Avibras congratulates the Brazilian Army on the inauguration of the Army Artillery Command on January 29th at Forte Santa Barbara, in Formosa, Goias.  The Company is proud of being part of Brazil’s Rockets and Missiles Artillery history through the Army Strategic Program ASTROS 2020 (PrgEE ASTROS 2020), one of the inductors of the transformation process of the Brazilian Army.

Conceived and developed by Avibras, the ASTROS System contributes for the evolution and consolidation of the Rockets and Missiles Artillery, representing a technological leap of capacity, efficiency and effectiveness in the firing support of the Land Force.  It also emphasizes the contribution of the Army to reach the strategic goal of the Extra Regional Dissuasion, besides creating and maintaining highly specialized jobs, generating internal income and bringing foreign currency with exports to allied countries.

 Avibras reinforces its solid partnership with the Brazilian Army by wishing success to the Army Artillery Commander, Major General Valério Luiz Lange, in his new installations in the heart of Brazil.

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 Avibras participated in two international events in December, dedicated to Security and Defense. The objective was to promote its business, mainly the high added-value products and services offered by the company.

The fifth edition of Expodefensa was held in Bogotá, Colombia, from December 2 to 4. The event counted with the participation of 250 exhibitors from 26 different countries.

The company was present in Brazil’s exhibition stand, promoted by the Brazilian Government, through the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (APEX), Brazilian Embassy in Colombia, Ministry of Defense, and Brazilian Defense and Security Industries Association (ABIMDE).

From December 10 to 12 Avibras took part of the Gulf Defense & Aerospace (GAD) event, in Kuwait, with the presence of 134 exhibitors from 20 different countries.  

 Avibras has always prioritized its participation in national and international events due to the benefits they offer, such as the promotion of its business, brands, products and services.

Fotos Feira Innovation Brazil B10

 Avibras through its Technology and Innovation Space (EATI) took part in the Innovation Brazil Leaders Forum, between September 15-17, at São Jose dos Campos Technology Park. The objective was to accolade companies and praise professionals that bring results through innovation in products, processes and people.

The company took part of the panel on Innovation, at which the Director of Engineering Fernando Ranieri and representatives from other companies discussed the new trends on technological innovation.

Ranieri pointed out Avibras history and pioneering on promoting technology and innovation in Brazil since 1961. He also highlighted the Defense sector and its singularities.

“Technology and innovation are part of Avibras’ DNA and are vital for its growth and continuity. We exercise innovation and creativeness mainly in the product integrated development process. It happens every day thanks to the close and creative eye of our people”, he affirmed.

Ranieri also called attention to the importance of innovation in different aspects, not only products but also processes, marketing, business models, people managements and others.

EATI was also in evidence with a booth in the event hall. The space opened in December 2018 to act as an “Embassy” for Research, Development and Innovation in an environment of partnership and collaboration with universities, research institutes and government agencies.

Its mission is to enhance pioneering technological knowledge to ensure Avibras evolution with the development of new strategic Technologies for products and business, with its own expertise, processes and appropriate tools for its perpetuity.

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Avibras participated in the festivities of the Army Aviation Centennial held in August 31st, at the Brazilian Army Aviation Command (CAvEx) in the city of Taubaté. As a supporter of the centennial celebrations, the company was given the diploma “Amigos de Sempre da Aviação” (Friends of Aviation, free translation) for its strong backing to the Army Aviation (AvEx).

The General Manager of National Sales, Fernando Ikedo, and the Manager of Sales Engineering, Marcos Stephany, represented Avibras at the ceremony headed by the Army General José Luiz Dias Freitas, from the Land Operations Command (COTER) and Army Aviation Commander, Major General Aguiar. High ranking Armed Forces Officers, former Aviation Commanders and other civil and military authorities also attended the ceremony.

The celebration closed a series of activities related to the military centennial. The events began in January 29th, with the use of the Centennial Commemorative Patch on the flight uniforms, and continued throughout the year.

Avibras congratulates AvEx on its centennial and its successful path in the great and decisive moments in the history of Brazil.


sustainability 2018

For the third year in a row, Avibras publishes its Sustainability Report to make public its management practices, achievements, challenges that have faced and perspectives in its sector. The report was prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and it refers to the last year activities.

In 2018, the company was among the 350 biggest private companies in Brazil. The strong presence of its products abroad allowed the company to end the year as the 39th biggest export company, 1st in the Defense Sector, placed among Brazil’s greatest institutions of Defense Industrial Base (DIB).

Another accomplishment was the creation of Avibras Technology and Innovation Space (EATI), in São José dos Campos Technology Park, which is a kind of embassy of knowledge in a proper environment converging efforts in industry, technology centers and academy to create innovative and strategic solutions for Brazil. The company has also made progress in corporate governance and had improved its management tools.

To access the report, click here. 

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Starting its activities in December 2018, EATI (Avibras Technology and Innovation Space) is intensifying the leading technological knowledge through partnerships already consolidated with renowned educational institutions of the country.

The space, situated in São José dos Campos Technology Park, was created to act as an Avibras embassy for research, development and innovation of products and solutions in Defense, Space and Public Security areas. It is an environment of partnership and collaboration among universities, research centers and enterprises of similar technological basis.

Professionals of different institutions will be centered in EATI to research, test and validate ideas, as well as develop and nurture advanced technological knowledge in Avibras areas of interests, resulting in new innovative and competitive products for the Market.   

Cooperation agreements were signed with the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Aeronautics Institute of Technology (ITA) and Casimiro Montenegro Filho Foundation (FCMF). Other partnerships are being negotiated with entities all over Brazil. 

“The cooperation agreements mean that both parts are interested in Research and Development (P&D). There are many technologies of our interest, but we are going to prioritize them according to the company’s Strategic Planning”, affirmed the general manager of EATI, Hélio de Miranda Cordeiro.

EATI will also promote a permanent forum for presentations and debates on specific topics by renowned researchers and personalities in the national and international innovative technological scenario.

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Once again Avibras Aerospace Industry stood out at LAAD Defense & Security, that took place this year at Riocentro, Rio de Janeiro, from April 2nd to April 5th. The company showed its technological and industrial capacity through its solid partnership with the Brazilian Armed Forces in the strategic programs: ASTROS 2020 (Army), MANSUP – Surface Anti-ship Missile (Navy) and A-DARTER – 5th generation air combat missile (Aeronautics).

Avibras had the honor to be visited by many Brazilian authorities, including Hamilton Mourão (Vice-President of the Republic while acting President of the Republic that day), Fernando Azevedo e Silva (Minister of Defense), General Edson Leal Pujol (Army), Fleet Admiral Ilques Barbosa Júnior (Navy) and Air Force Lieutenant Brigadier Antonio Carlos Moretti Bermudez (Aeronautics), besides General Eduardo Dias da Costa Villas Bôas (ex-Commander of the Army and Assessor of the Government Institutional Security Office).

Delegations from friendly nations also visited the Avibras stand, strengthening the company´s relationship with these counties.

During the fair, the National Sales Manager Fernando Ikedo took office as one of the Advisors of ABIMDE (Brazilian Defense and Security Industries Material Association), that will support the board with their decisions. The ceremony took place at the ABIMDE stand.

Viatura ASTROS Míssil A Darter Skyfire MANSUP

Avibras Aerospace Industry will be attending another edition of LAAD Defense & Security that will take place at Riocentro, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from April 2nd to April 5th. The fair is considered the most important event for defense and security in Latin America. The company stand and booth will be R-10, located in Hall 4. Avibras is going to present its strength and technological and industrial capacity through its solid partnership with the Brazilian Armed Forces through its strategic programs:


The Artillery Saturation Rocket System for (ASTROS) is adopted in Brazil by the Army and Navy and also by the Armed Forces of many other countries since 1980. Avibras, in the context of the Strategic Program ASTROS 2020 of the Brazilian Army, is developing the Tactical Cruise Missile (AV-TCM), with technology 100% national since its conception, engineering project, prototypes and manufacturing. The ASTROS 2020 Program of the Brazilian Army has as a main goal to increase the capacity of the National Ground Force with a technologically superior system of high performance and operational reliability. The company is also industrializing new battalions in the new ASTROS MK6 standard, comprised of launchers, command and control, meteorological, ground support and ammunition supply vehicles.


Regarding the MANSUP (Anti-Ship Surface Missile), Avibras is responsible for the Engine Propulsion System and other components, and the Final Assembly of the missile’s prototypes. The MANSUP will equip the future ships of the Brazilian Navy fleet.


 Avibras is also part of the FAB (Brazilian Air Force) binational program between Brazil and South Africa for the development of the 5th Generation Air Combat Missile, A-Darter, which equips the new Brazilian Gripen Fighter Aircraft.


The company will also present at the fair the SKYFIRE System (70 mm Air-Ground Rocket System and Surface-to-Surface), that is part of the large portfolio of higher-value products developed by the company.

Brazilian Space Program

With expertise and pioneering work in the aerospace area for the development of national technological solutions, Avibras will also showcase its participation in the Brazilian Space Program with Basic and Intermediate Training Rockets.

Currently, Avibras takes part of the development and manufacturing of the S50 rockets engines of VLM-1 (Microsatellite Launcher Vehicle) in the scope of the National Program of Space Activities of AEB (Brazilian Space Agency).

The company has indigenous expertise in the integration of launcher vehicles for the Brazilian Space Program.

Results-oriented Innovation

AVIBRAS is close to completing 60 years of existence with a trajectory full of accomplishments but also of overcoming challenges.

Besides implementing new methods and work processes, the company is focused on sales effort and development of new businesses. Since 2016 the company has been implementing a results-oriented innovation process, creating a basis for business growth.

Regarding Avibras participation in the Brazilian Space Program, the company is investing in the construction of a new factory for the production of Hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene (HTPB), a basic raw material in the production of solid propellant.This qualification is of importance for the rockets of the new Brazilian Space Program.

This is a strategic investment decision of the company for Brazil and for Avibras as it is the key to recover the national sovereignty in the production of solid propellant, essential for aerospace activities.

With the beginning of the operations scheduled for the first trimester of 2020, the factory will be capable of producing up to 2,200 tons of HTPB a year. Besides the applications in the Defense and Aerospace areas, HTPB has many other purposes in the civilian market such as insulation, sealing adhesive, waterproofing material, encapsulation, coating, film, etc.

Avibras has also innovated with the creation of EATI ( AvibrasTechnology and Innovation Space), inaugurated in December of 2018 at São José dos Campos Innovation and Technology Park. EATI was created to act as Avibras embassy for research, development and innovation of products and solutions related to Defense, Space and Public Security in partnership with universities, research centers and other companies with similar technological bases.

The goal is to ensure the evolution of the company developing strategic technologies to new products and businesses, with its own know how, proper tools and processes that assure its perpetuity.

About Avibras

Avibras  is a privately-owned Brazilian company recognized worldwide for the excellence and quality of its products, systems and services. Its essence resides in the company's innovation and independence in critical technologies in the areas of: aeronautics, space, electronics, vehicles and defense.

With ample, modern facilities located in the Vale do Paraíba, in the state of São Paulo, the main aerospace technology hub in Brazil,  Avibras creates competitive differentials of quality and innovation, that are essential to maintain itself as a big player in the Defense world market.

In the course of 56 years, Avibras has consolidated its position as a driver of technological and innovation development by doing business in a way that generates value for customers, shareholders and the society in a sustainable manner. Avibras is among the 100 biggest export-generating companies in Brazil and is proud of being part of the Brazilian Strategic Defense Industrial Base.

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The Brazilian Defense Minister Fernando Azevedo e Silva accompanied by a number of eminent government officials visited Avibras installations last Thursday, the 21st. The authorities had the opportunity to know the company’s infrastructure and products accompanied by Avibras President João Brasil and directors.

“It is with great honor and satisfaction that I pay my first visit as Minister of Defense to Avibras, a strategic company with great technological and industrial capacity in service of our country”, highlighted the Minister.

The Minister also informed that he has confirmed, in loco, the excellence and quality of Avibras products: “I have confirmed what I already knew about the excellence of its services and proper installations combined with products and services that match the high political level that our country deserves in the Defense area. Everyone involved must be congratulated on their work”.

The Minister emphasized the importance of Avibras partnership with the Brazilian Armed Forces by means of the Defense strategic programs such as ASTROS 2020, which equips Brazil’s Ground Forces with an advanced technology Rocket and Missiles Artillery, capable of hitting targets from 09 to 300 km.

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 Avibras Aerospace Industry opened EATI (Avibras Technology and Innovation Space) on December 18, at Centro Empresarial IV of São José dos Campos Technology Park. EATI was created to act as Avibras embassy for research, development and innovation of products and solutions related to Defense, Space and Public Security in partnership with universities, research centers and other companies with similar technological bases. 

Government authorities, academia representatives, research institutes and businessmen attended the event that hosted a lecture on the “Secrets of Innovation”, by doctors Antonio Carlos Teixeira Álvares, Luiz Carlos Di Serio and André Cherubini Alves from FGV (Fundação Getúlio Vargas).

The Avibras Commercial Vice-President, Leandro Villar, affirmed that EATI will allow the company to capitalize the knowledge through a work in partnership with different entities, which will result in products and will help perpetuate Avibras. According to him, this initiative will also explore the “Triple Helix” concept, that aims at the collective action among company, academia and government as the path for technological innovation and economic development of the country.

Avibras Engineering Director, Fernando Ranieri affirmed that EATI’s mission is “to move” the technological knowledge. “The space will gather professionals from different institutions to research, test and validate ideas and to develop technological knowledge in areas of interest to perpetuate Avibras”, he said.  

For the Mayor of São José dos Campos, Felício Ramuth, Avibras that is already known for the excellence of its products, created a specific space to “look at the future”. “It is an initiative that makes us proud because it is located at the Technology Park in São Jose dos Campos. EATI is an inspiration for technology and innovation”, he affirmed.

Paulo João Cury, director of COMGAP of Aeronautics, said that EATI will facilitate the gathering of researchers and the creating of new ideas. “I believe in EATI, it is innovation, know-how and local Technologies”.   

Marco Antonio Raupp, Director of the Technology Park believes that Avibras is an icon of technological entrepreneurship in Brazil and its presence at the Park is of great significance. “We are bringing an icon to the Technology Park for a future of great opportunities”.  

According to the Military Police Commander, Lourival da Silva Junior, EATI is a technological enhancement for Avibras and opens doors for the company. “I admire academic research, innovation and partnerships, Technology is essential for the police and it helps the actions of our professionals to improve security”, he declared.

FAPESP (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo) Institutional Relations Horacio Aragonés Forjaz, highlighted that Avibras is a company symbol of research activities in the aerospace and defense area. “The proximity with several entities that have the same feeling of innovation and research brings a great significance to the Park, the region and Brazil”.

Aydano Carleial, advisor and representative of Federal Deputy Eduardo Cury, also highlighted Avibras pioneering and its innovative role searching partnerships through EATI. “Not only the company, but also Brazil as a whole will benefit from this initiative”.


EATI Objectives

EATI is located in an area of 200 sqm and is equipped with offices, meeting rooms and modern laboratories. Some of the EATI objectives are: 

* Develop know-how and national intellectual property;

* Promote the development of experts;

* Create competitive processes and tools;

* Identify Integrate and enhance synergies among industrial and academic researches through the country;

* Coordinate professionals and researchers to promote the dialog and collaboration of projects in virtual and physical environments; 

*Share and complement the infrastructure of the computational simulation and practical experimentation available at the Park for concept tests;

* Sponsor and participate of integration events such as Seminars and Lectures of different natures;

* Promote a permanent Innovation Forum through lectures and structured events;

* Promote academic-industrial research and the applied knowledge


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Avibras signed last Monday 19th a partnership agreement with UFSM (Santa Maria Federal University), Brazil, for technological and scientific research and development concerning the cooperation in Space, Defense and Security areas spanning a period of five years.

The Corporate Affairs Director, Carlos Alberto Cidade, highlighted the importance of the partnership: “The growth of our industry depends on the application of the knowledge that comes out  of the Universities. In there are the greatest talents”.  

The Innovation and Technology Supervisor, Hélio de Miranda Cordeiro, said that the UFSM is seen by Avibras as an institution with aptitude for Defense, mainly because its various projects developed in the area.

UFSM Dean, Paulo Afonso Burmann, emphasized the importance of partnerships among universities and industries for the development of innovation and technology in Brazil. According to him, this partnership consolidates the “triple helix”, a model that indicates the joint action of the government, companies and universities as the way to achieve  technological innovation and economic development.

From now on, Avibras and UFSM must establish addendums for the development of specific projects related specially to the courses of the UFSM Technological Center promoting research and funding Masters and Doctorate scholarships.

Technological Innovation – On November 20th, Avibras’s Director of Corporate Affairs Mr. Carlos Cidade and the Supervisor of Technology and Innovation Mr. Helio de Miranda Cordeiro, delivered a lecture entitled “Technological Innovation in Avibras”, at the 6th Armored Infantry Batallion, in Santa Maria (RS). Among the people attending the lecture were the General of the Army 3rd Division (3ºDE), Mauro Sinott Lopes, Commander of the Army 3rd Division and Brigade General, Giovany Carrião de Freitas, Commander of the 6th Brigade, besides entrepreneurs and teachers of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFMS).

Cidade and Cordeiro emphasized the importance of the Triple Helix of Innovation (interaction between Government, Industry and Academia), a model internationally known as the key to economic growth and social development based on knowledge.

Source: Santa Maria Federal University - UFSM


sustainability 2017

The Sustainability Report referring to 2017 is available at Avibras website. The report has information concerning the economic, environmental and social performances of the company, showing to the market and to the society how the company continuously generates value. To access, click here

 This is the second year that Avibras presents to the public its management actions and subsequent achievements, as well as the challenges and perspectives of its operation.

The document highlights the most relevant themes of the company’s management such as Ethical Conduct and Integrity in Business, Supply Chain Management, Business Strategy and Continuity, Relationship with Clients, Innovation and Cutting-Edge Technology, Cybersecurity, Quality and Security of Products and Services, Development of New Products and Services, Health and Safety in the Workplace and Human Capital Qualification.

Accomplishments in 2017, aligned with a solid order portfolio, were the foundation for the company’s activities in 2018, which has been a challenging year due to the consolidation and implementation of new methods, work processes and focus on sales. The goal is to prepare the company for a sustainable future, with emphasis on excellence in products and services for the clients.

The Company has been working to guarantee that the environmental, social and economic themes, focused on the creation and distribution of value, are present in its strategy and day by day activities.


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Avibras delivered the third batch of ASTROS vehicles to the Brazilian Army in a ceremony on September 28th, at the 6th GMF (Grupo de Mísseis e Foguetes – Missiles and Rockets Group) in Formosa, state of Goiás.

The Brazilian Army received MK6 vehicles: two Fire Control Units, which coordinate and control the rockets launching procedures; three Mobile Meteorological Stations, that make the meteorological survey optimizing utilization and precision of the rockets; and three Mobile Combined Workshops, which provide maintenance up to the 2nd Echelon for a batteries of missiles and rockets.

The new vehicles are part of the ASTROS 2020 Program that contemplates the development of the Tactical Cruise Missile (AV-TCM) and the AV-SS-40G Guided Rocket, the modernization of the current 6th GMF vehicles, and the implementation of Forte Santa Bárbara structure. Avibras is the prime integrator part of the program.

The date chosen for the ceremony was appropriate because it also celebrated the anniversary of the 6th GMF and diplomas were given to the military personnel and civilians who contributed to the activities of that Unit and among them, Avibras president, João Brasil.

Military and civilian authorities took part of the event as well as a great part of the “Artillery Community” of Brasília, and also, foreign authorities represented by military of friendly nations.

João Brasil performed a symbolic handing over of the new vehicle’s keys to the Artillery Lieutenant Coronel Elson Lyra Leal, Commander of the 6th GMF. A commemorative plate was also given to General Carlos Alberto Neiva Barcelos, Logistics Commander of the Army, referring to the event.

The event also counted with a firing demonstration of AV-SS-30 rockets from the ASTROS vehicles, and the first firing was done by General Barcelos himself.

The presentation impressed the audience, moreover knowing that  the ASTROS is a Defense System produced by a company 100% Brazilian, which has been developing technology for the past 57 years, bringing wealth and social development.


Avibras has started the qualification phase of the MANSUP (Surface Anti-Ship Missile), developed in partnership with the Brazilian Navy (MB) and other IDB (Industrial Defence Base) companies. At this stage, the Test Flight Models and the prototypes to be  launched from ship will be assembled and tested.

MANSUP is a strategic project of the Brazilian Navy that will equip the future ships of the Brazilian Navy fleet. The launching of the first prototype is scheduled for next October.  

Currently, Avibras is responsible for supplying the rocket-motor, the development of the SAU (Safety and Arming Unit), which is a sophisticated system responsible for arming and securing the motor, the development of the wings, gutters, attachment rings among many parts of the missile and the assemble and test of the prototypes.

The MANSUP project came on the stream of the success  of the development of the AV-RE 40 motor for the Exocet missiles of the Brazilian Navy. Avibras considers this project a priority and works for its success in the qualification phase, which will allow its continuity to the production phase.

Avibras and its technical partners keep going strong together with the Brazilian Navy, honoring their commitment with this important project for Brazil.

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Avibras presented the technological competence of Brazilian Defence Strategic Industry at Eurosatory Exhibition – 2018. It took place in Paris, France, from June 11 to June 15 and it is considered the biggest international event focusing Land Forces. 

Avibras displayed the Artillery Saturation Rocket System (ASTROS) in its 6th generation, a world reference in its class and an internal sales champion and export leader. The system was adopted in Brazil by the Brazilian Army and Navy, and also by many other Armed Forces worldwide; the ASTROS System is recognized by its performance and operational reliability.  

The company is proud of participating in the Brazilian Army Strategic Program ASTROS 2020, which has as a main goal the provision  of the National Land Force with a strategic dissuasive and modern system. In this context, Avibras’ work includes the development and production of the Tactical Cruise Missile from its conception thru its engineering design, flight tests, and others, with its own ingenious high level of technology.

The ASTROS 2020 Program also includes the manufacturing and supply of new ASTROS MK6 vehicles and the modernization of pre-existing MK3 batteries, bringing them to the same operational standard MK6, besides supplying integrated simulators, representing what is of most advanced in technology and operation, regarding training and simulation.

The ASTROS System is internationally consolidated as a superior solution in Artillery Saturation Rocket System, efficient for the nations in the assurance of their defense and sovereignty. Its permanent technological evolutions guarantee the access to the technology on its state of art.

Also on the spotlight was the Ground-to-Ground and Air-to-Ground Rocket System (SKYFIRE-70) comprised by launchers, different rockets and support material.  It consists of a complete System, versatile and extremely effective, that can be launched from fixed or rotary-wings aircrafts and fired from launchers on the ground. The Skyfire-70 rockets are also used as sub-caliber training ammunition for the ASTROS System.

Avibras’ expertise in the Brazilian Space Program was highlighted at the event after the presentation of the sounding rockets Sonda I and Sonda II and also training rockets, which are national technological solutions, that go back in its pioneering participation in the beginning of the Brazilian Space Program in the 60’s.

Avibras has the competence and is ready to expand its role in Space Programs, especially for the manufacturing and integration of Launcher Vehicles for Small Satellites, as shown by its participation in the development and fabrication of the S50 rockets motors for the Microsatellite Launcher Vehicle (VLM-1), in the National Program of Space Activities of the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB).


On April 26th, a delegation from the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB) was at Avibras to visit the company’s installations, to check closely its technological and industrial capacity, its  development possibilities of  dual-use technologies created in the space area and to strengthen its bond with the company.

The delegation included AEB Chief of Staff Leila de Moraes; C&T Analyst Fabiany Maria Made e Vellasco, from Space Policy and Strategic Investments Directorate; and technologist Aline Bessa Veloso, from Satellites, Applications and Development Directorate.

Currently, Avibras takes part of the development and manufacturing of the S50 rockets engines of VLM-1 (Microsatellite Launcher Vehicle), hired by Funcate (Foundation for Science, Technology and Space Applications) and IAE (Institute of Aeronautics and Space) in the scope of the National Program of Space Activities of the Brazilian Space Agency.

Avibras has participated of the Brazilian Space Program since 1960, when the first rockets Sonda I and Sonda II were manufactured. Until now, Avibras has manufactured over 500 training rockets to be launched from CLA (Alcântara Training Center), in Maranhão and CLBI (Barreira do Inferno Launch Center).

With expertise in the development of national technological solutions in the aerospace area, which originated with its pioneering participation in the beginning of the Brazilian Space Program, AVIBRAS is the only 100% Brazilian company of private capital with technical capability, industrial infrastructure and competence to supply and integrate launchers for the Brazilian Space Program in elaboration with the Government.

Planta Fábrica de PBHT programa espacial

Avibras Indústria Aeroespacial is going to invest over R$72 million in its facility in Lorena (SP) for the construction of the new factory that will produce PBHT (Hydroxyl-terminated Polybutadiene), a major raw material in the production of solid fuel. This capacity is of the great importance for the rockets of the new Brazilian Space Program.

This is a strategic investment decision of the company for Brazil and for Avibras as it is the key to recover the national sovereignty in the production of solid fuel, essential for aerospace activities.

The construction of the new factory is responsibility of the company, which rely on its own resources and a 100% refundable financial of the National Bank for Economic and Social Development  (BNDES) to meet the investment demand.

The new factory will represent an expressive increase of direct and indirect employment in the region.

With the beginning of the operations scheduled for the end of 2019, the factory will be capable of producing up to 2000 tons of PBHT a year. The PBHT production reinforces the chemical industrial talent of the Lorena facility, which already produces PCA (Ammonium Perchlorate), another essential element for the production of solid fuel.

The control over the production process, enabled by the construction of the PBHT factory, will reestablish the company self-sufficiency in production and protect the national interest from embargoes since this raw material is produced by few countries in the world and none of them in the south hemisphere.

Besides the applications in the Defence and Aerospace areas, PBHT has many other purposes in the civil market such as insulating, sealing adhesive, waterproofing material, encapsulation, coating, film, etc.

Pioneering and expertise in Space Area

Avibras has participated on  the Brazilian Space Program since 1960, when the first rockets Sonda I and Sonda II were manufactured. Up to the moment, Avibras has manufactured over 500 training rockets to be launched from both CLA (Alcântara Training Center), in Maranhão and CLBI (Hell barrier training Center).

Currently, Avibras takes part of the development and manufacturing of the S50 rockets engines of VLM-1 (Microsatellite Launcher Vehicle), hired by FUNCATE (Foundation for Science, Technology and Space Applications) and IAE (Institute of Aeronautics and Space) in the scope of the National Program of Space Activities of the Brazilian Space Agency.

With expertise in the development of national technological solutions in the aerospace area, which originated with its pioneering participation in the beginning of the Brazilian Space Program, Avibras is the only 100% Brazilian private company of its field with expertise  to integrate launchers for the Brazilian Space Program.

A stimulation in the market of small satellites is perceptible after the rising of the international demand, and the CLA has a suitable infrastructure for launching small artefacts for actuation in low orbits.

data magna Marinha

Brazilian Navy Data Magna, celebrated on June 11th, exalts The Battle of Riachuelo in the morning of June 11, 1865 in Paraná River. The battle is considered by many historians a decisive moment of the War of the Triple Alliance against Paraguai and it represents one of the most important victories of the Brazilian military history. Besides, the battle was the greatest military conquest of South America.

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On April 13th, Avibras was visited by a delegation headed by Air Force Brigadier-General Maurício Silveira de Medeiros, Chief of ASPAER - Assessoria Parlamentar e de Relações Institucionais do Comandante da Aeronáutica (Parliamentary and Institutional Relations Consultancy of the Aeronautics Commander).

The group, composed of personalities from Rio Grande do Sul and São Paulo, visited companies related to the national defense industry coordinated by the Office of Brazilian Air Force Commander.

The delegation learned about Avibras history and its main projects, especially the development of the Tactile Cruise Missile AV-TM 300, recognizing important aspects of the company’s industrial evolution and technological competence. They also had the chance to see the infrastructure and the products of the company, highlighting the ASTROS vehicles (Artillery Saturation Rocket System).

The delegation was composed of:

- Jorge Cladistone Pozzobom, Mayor of Santa Maria (RS);

- Tiago Gorski Lacerda, Mayor of Santiago and President of Associação dos Municípios da Região Centro – RS (Central Area Municipality Association - RS);

- José Police Neto, City Councilor of São Paulo;

- Tirso de Salles Meirelles, Vice-President of the Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock of São Paulo;

-  Wilson Poit, Secretary of Desestatização e Parcerias da Prefeitura de São Paulo (Privatization and Partnership of  São Paulo);

- Paulo Afonso Burmann, President of The Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM);

- Nilza Zampieri, President of The Science and Technology Park of Santa Maria and Professor of the Center of Technology (UFSM); 

- Carlos Costabeber, President of Conselho Superior da Agência de Desenvolvimento de Santa Maria - RS (Higher Council of Santa Maria Development Agency);

- Tiago Marchesan, Director of the Center of Technology (UFSM);

- Lissandro Dorneles Dalla Nora, Director of Ambiente de Inovação da Universidade Franciscana (Innovation Environment of the Franciscan University);

- André Luis da Silva, Coordinator of the Aerospace Engineering Course (UFSM);

-Natanael Rodrigues Gomes, Coordinator of the Telecommunication Engineering Course (UFSM);

-  Lisandra Manzoni da Fontoura, Coordinator of ASTROS 2020 Project (UFSM);

- Paulo Marese, Coordinator of the Acoustic Engineering Project with Embraer;

-  Márcio Antonio Mazutti, Professor (UFSM);

- Flávio Cabreira Jobim, President of Unicred/RS and Director of Unimed Technology in Santa Maria;

- Rodrigo Décimo, President of the Câmara de Comércio, Indústria e Serviços de Santa Maria (Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Santa Maria);

- Colonel André Portela Batista, Chief of Institutional Relations and Strategic Studies of the 3rd Infantry Division;

- Colonel PM Ricardo Gambaroni, Former Commander of the Military Police of the State of São Paulo;

- Silvio Pires de Paula, President of the Marketing Research and Intelligence Institute;

- Nelson Campelo, President of UStore, Company of Strategic Defense Products;

- Ricardo Jobim, Director of Jornal Diário and Legal Director of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Santa Maria (RS);

- Reinaldo Theocharis Papaiordanou, Director-President of SOMAERO - SP;

- Sérgio Acquesta, Vice-President of SOMAERO - SP;

- Acácio Queiroz, José de Podestá e Paulo Augusto de Azevedo Antunes Júnior, Directors of SOMAERO - SP;

- Abel Sarmento da Rocha, Architect and Director of Sabel;

- Paulo Roberto Garcia, Partner-Director of Tamarana Technology;

- André Luís Saraiva, President of PRAC Environmental Management;

- Ricardo Lacerda, Businessman and Aircraft Pilot;

- José Roberto Maluf, Director-President of the Group Spring;

- Antonino Freire, President of Régia Consultancy;

- Francisco Antonio Soeltl, President of Micropower;

- Álvaro Leopoldo e Silva Filho, Publicist and Vice-President of MB Productions;

- Luiz Alexandre Chicani, CEO e Founder of CLUB Saúde and BenCorp;

- Dom Mathias Toletino Braga, Abbot in São Bento Monastery;

- Luis Carlos Ambrosio, Businessman;

- Edson Martins Poit, Service Provider.

Besides Air Force Brigadier-General Maurício Augusto Silveira de Medeiros, the FAB delegation consisted of Colonel Avelar Konrad Hergemann, Deputy-Chief of ASPAER; Lieutenant-Colonel Sandro Bernardon, Chief of Staff; Major Chrisitano Pereira Haag, Deputy-Chief of the DRJ (Division of Relationship with the Judicial Branch); Third-Sargent Débora Albuquerque de Campos, Assistant; and corporal Hiago Rodrigues Mota, Assistant.  
