Avibras Workshop Sistema Astros 2 Avibras Workshop Sistema Astros 1

On October 11, Avibras took part in the XI ASTROS System Workshop held by the 6th Missile and Rocket Group (GMF) in Formosa, Goiás. Senior engineer Fernando Arantes, Systems Engineering Manager, presented the company's capabilities and products for guided rockets, as well as navigation, guidance and command and control systems for this type of munition.

The workshop was organized by the General Staff of the Brazilian Army (EB), through its Project Office, with the aim of discussing and proposing solutions to topics of interest to the Army's Missile and Rocket Artillery.

Conceived and developed by Avibras, the ASTROS System contributes to the evolution and consolidation of the Missile and Rocket Artillery, representing a technological leap in capacity, efficiency and effectiveness in fire support for the Ground Force. It also reinforces the Army's contribution to achieving the strategic objective of Extraregional Deterrence, as well as creating and maintaining highly specialized jobs, generating income and bringing in foreign currency for Brazil through exports to friendly countries.

Photos: Brazilian Army

Avibras Ausa

Avibras was present at the AUSA 2023 Annual Meeting & Exposition, an annual fair held in Washington in the United States, in which local companies and companies from around the world present their latest innovations and products in the defence and security sectors. More than 600 companies from 80 countries participate in the event held from October 9th to 11th. Avibras has been a member of AUSA since 1990.

Avibras International Sales Manager Marcelo Ortiz Herrerin and Sales Engineer Almir Lemos checked out market trends, technological innovations, as well as the latest research and developments in the segment, in addition to interacting with customers and partners.

This exchange is essential for the technological update of the solutions offered by the company to meet customers’ needs, in addition to providing a favourable environment for networking and establishing contacts with professionals in the defence sector, foreign governments, military organizations and customers.

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Last week, Avibras facility in Jacareí received important visits from the Brazilian Army (EB). On October 2nd, 11 military personnel, three from EB and nine foreigners from friendly nations, from the International Strategic Studies Course (CIEE) of the Army Command and General Staff College (ECEME), were at the company to learn about the technological and production capabilities of Avibras and the strategic projects with the Armed Forces.

On October 3rd, the company received the Army Artillery Commander, Brigade General Moisés da Paixão Júnior, from the Rockets and Missiles Artillery Instruction Centre (CIArtMslFgt), accompanied by 15 military personnel, including instructors and students from the Planning and Employment Course of Missiles and Rockets System for Senior Officers, the Army General Staff Course (QEMA) and the Logistics Manager Course of the Missiles and Rockets System.

The goal was to learn about the company's potential and the production of the ASTROS Missiles and Rockets Artillery System.

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On October 4th, the technical visit by students and instructors of the Advanced Aviation Course of the Army Aviation Instruction Centre (CIAvEx) took place. They learned about the industrial and technological capability of the 70 mm Skyfire System, which is part of the broad portfolio of products developed by Avibras, and allows for two distinct applications, one as axial armament for aircraft (air-to-surface) and the other as an area saturation system (surface-to-surface).

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EATI – The Avibras Technology and Innovation Space (EATI) located in the São José dos Campos Technology Park also received on September 28th a visit from the Technological Management and Innovation Agency (AGITEC) / EB Department of Science and Technology (DCT) during the event Innovation Week 2023.

The delegation had the opportunity to learn more about the company, the partnership possibilities and the purpose of EATI, which is to be Avibras' Technology and Innovation embassy for research, development and innovation in an environment of partnerships and collaboration with universities and research institutes and development agencies.

This movement strengthens the triple helix, a concept that points to the joint action between companies, academia and government as the path to technological innovation and the country's economic development.

Avibras Tecnologia

Avibras Programa ASTROS 2 Avibras Programa ASTROS 1

In September, Avibras participated in the working meeting of the Chief of Staff of the Brazilian Army (EB) with the Army Science and Technology System focusing on the continuity of the ASTROS Strategic Program (PrgEE). Held at the Army Technological Centre (CTEx) in Rio de Janeiro, the goal of the event was to coordinate, level knowledge and disseminate the program's activities in relation to research and development of the Tactical Cruise Missile and the Guided Rocket, in addition to present the current situation and define the next activities.

Among the participants in the activity were Division General Tales Eduardo Areco Villela, Director of Manufacturing (DF), Brigade General Alexandre Martins Castilho, Head of the Army Technological Centre (CTEx), Brigade General Marcelo Corrêa Horewicz, Chief of Army Assessment Centre (CAEx), Brigade General R/1 José Julio Dias Barreto, Manager of the ASTROS Army Strategic Program (EPEx), Colonel Jorge Audrin Morgado de Gois, Head of the Teaching, Research, Development and Innovation Advisory from the Department of Science and Technology (EPDI/DCT), as well as representatives from the Technological Management and Innovation Agency (AGITEC) and other officers from the Brazilian Army. Avibras was represented by the Avibras Program Management manager, Fabio Nakagawa, the Tactical Cruise Missile Project manager, Evandro Nunes and the Guided Rocket Project manager, Ronaldo Rangel. Avibras is proud to be part of the Program as an integrating company.

Designed and developed by Avibras, the ASTROS System contributes to the evolution and consolidation of Missile and Rocket Artillery, representing a technological leap in capacity, efficiency and effectiveness in the fire support of the Land Force. It also reinforces the Army's contribution to achieving the strategic objective of Extra-regional Deterrence, in addition to creating and maintaining highly specialized jobs, generating income and bringing foreign currency to Brazil with exports to friendly countries.

 Photos: CTEx

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On September, Avibras received a visit from a delegation from the Institute of Aeronautics and Space (IAE) led by Air Brigadier Frederico Casarino, director of the Institute, with the aim of reaffirming the partnership with the Brazilian Air Force (FAB ).

The president of Avibras, João Brasil Carvalho Leite and members of the Commercial and Programs areas welcomed the authorities, who had the opportunity to learn about the entire manufacturing structure and Avibras' training for the ongoing events with the Air Force, such as the production of the S50, the main engine of the Microsatellite Launch Vehicle (VLM-1) within the scope of the Brazilian Space Program (PEB). The focus was also on sharing expertise in order to collaborate with reliable, efficient products of advanced technologies, providing the execution of related projects, such as the development of a long-range cruise missile, with propulsion based on a reaction engine for launch from aerial platforms, the MICLA-BR, so called in the Aeronautics Military Strategic Plan (PEMAER) and the VSB-30 Space Rocket, a small launcher, aimed at carrying out experiments in microgravity environments.

For Avibras, this cooperation is crucial to strengthen Brazil's autonomous capacity in vehicle launches with the placement of satellites in orbit, directly contributing to the Brazilian aerospace advancement, the development of cutting-edge technology, training of industry, institutes and launch centres, in addition to promoting the country's international recognition in the aerospace sector.

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AEB Visit – Focusing on the projects and important partnerships established to boost the Brazilian Space Program (PEB), Avibras visited on September, the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB), a regional unit in São José dos Campos located in the Technology Park.

Avibras military advisor André Luís Maciel de Oliveira (Cel/R1), engineer Larissa Menezes de Oliveira (Commercial) and engineer Eduardo Dore Roda (Program Management) were received by the coordinators of the AEB unit in São José, Alexandre Macedo and Jaime Silva.

AEB is interested in acquiring the S30 and S31 engines as part of the Microgravity Program. For the agency, Avibras plays a very important role in the success of PEB, especially in terms of access to space both in VSB-30 for the Microgravity Program and as a supplier of the S50 engines for the Microsatellite Launch Vehicle (VLM-1).

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The Avibras facility in Lorena was the base for Agulhas Negras Operation carried out by the 2nd Division of the Brazilian Army, reinforcing the company's long and solid partnership with the military institution. From September 18 to 25, the 4th Mechanized Infantry Battalion from Osasco, São Paulo, and the 13th Mechanized Cavalry Regiment from Pirassununga, São Paulo, were based at the company, mobilizing 368 soldiers, 35 vehicles and 20 armoured vehicles, including the Guarani, Urutu and Cascavel.

The operation, which will run until September 30, is one of the Land Force's largest training exercises in 2023, involving around 4,500 military personnel from 40 units. The aim is to maintain the state of readiness of the troops of the 2nd Division in offensive and defensive operations and in cooperation and coordination with agencies, as well as exercising command and leadership skills at all levels. The area of operations involves the cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

As part of its actions in the community, Avibras often provides space at its facility in Lorena for training of agencies such as the Brazilian Army, Federal Police, Fire Department and Military Police, among others.

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Avibras confirmed last Friday, September 22nd, its intention to establish a strategic partnership with New Technologies Global Systems (NTGS), a Spanish defence industry focused on expanding its business in the international market.  The strategy is to become a multinational company through partnerships with Spanish companies and the consolidation of a European subsidiary.

The agreement will allow the company to bid for the new High Mobility Launcher System (SILAM) program for the Spanish Army, with the production of the ASTROS Missile and Rocket Artillery System, which is combat-proven and well established in the world defence market. 

The technology transfer of the system foreseen in the cooperation will depend on the needs of the Spanish government, and the intellectual property will remain at Avibras' headquarters in Brazil.

In addition to focusing on its economic and financial recovery to increase its participation in the international market, Avibras is adopting a series of strategies and actions to become even more competitive, including the establishment of strategic partnerships to further strengthen its portfolio of high value-added products and further explore export opportunities to expand its presence in the global market.


About Avibras

Avibras is a Brazilian technology and innovation company with unique industrial capacity and recognized worldwide for the excellence and quality of its products, systems and engineering solutions in the areas of Aeronautics, Space, Electronics, Vehicles and Defence.

With more than 60 years of experience and certified as a Strategic Defence Company (EED), Avibras has consolidated its position as one of the world's leading companies in the Defence and Aerospace segment, with the development and manufacture of special vehicles for military purposes, becoming a reference in Multiple Rocket Launch System (MRLS), ballistic and guided rockets, missiles and pioneering participation in space research programs.

Known as a company that has the “Skills to build Skills”, Avibras is a System House, offering technological solutions to meet any need of its customers, showing real diversification and spin-off opportunities in Defence, Space and Complex Systems Integration.

Based in São José dos Campos, in Vale do Paraíba, the company is a pioneer in in-house, innovative and independent technology and operates in large facilities in Jacareí and Lorena. Its workforce is composed of highly qualified engineers, researchers and technicians capable of providing solutions for the most varied segments.

Press Office


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Last Thursday, September 21st, Avibras had the opportunity to present its portfolio of high added-value products to the delegation from the Bolivian Ministry of Defence at an event held by the Brazilian Association of Defence and Security Materials Industries (ABIMDE) in Sao Paulo. The objective was to strengthen commercial relations between Brazil and Bolivia, generating business opportunities for associated companies.

Sales executive Cezar Damasceno highlighted Avibras' industrial and technological capacity in products, systems and engineering solutions in the areas of Aeronautics, Space, Electronics, Vehicles and Defense, with emphasis on ASTROS (Rocket and Missile Artillery System), a world reference in its class and proven in combat, as well as missiles, ballistic and guided rockets, among others.

During the meeting, Colonel Armando Lemos, executive-director of ABIMDE, gave a presentation showcasing the Association, highlighting the potential, expertise and relevance of the Brazilian Defence Industrial Base.

At the end of the meeting, the authorities of the friendly country expressed their gratitude to ABIMDE for the opportunity offered, congratulated the Brazilian companies for the quality and professionalism of their products and expressed their interest in establishing business and partnerships.

Photos: ABIMDE

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Avibras was present at the Brazilian Defense Day, a meeting held in Brasilia this Wednesday, August 9th, by the Ministry of Defense, through the Department of Defense Products (Seprod), in partnership with the Brazilian Association of Defense and Security Materials Industries (Abimde). The event brought together the diplomatic corps of friendly nations and representatives of companies from the Brazilian Defense Industrial Base with the aim of strengthening relations and creating opportunities for the commercialization of defense products, services and systems abroad.

Representatives from around 50 countries attended the presentations of the companies in the form of Pitch Competition, which means showing off and defending the business to investors.

Avibras was represented by the International Sales manager Marcelo Ortiz Herrerin and by the military advisor, Colonel R/1 André Luís Maciel de Oliveira. Herrerin highlighted the company's innovative technological solutions in the area of ​​Defense, with emphasis on the Rocket and Missile Artillery System (ASTROS), reference in its class and proven in combat, and the Tactical Cruise Missile (TCM) capable of neutralizing targets up to 300 kilometres.

For Avibras, the event was important for presenting its product portfolio to the foreign market, leveraging new business opportunities.

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With over 60 years of experience in the Defense and Aerospace sectors, Avibras Indústria Aeroespacial, a Brazilian company specializing in technology and innovation, signed a memorandum of understanding with the Saudi company SCOPA Defense on Monday, July 31st, during the Brazil-Saudi Arabia Investment Forum held at the headquarters of the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (Fiesp) in São Paulo.

The partnership aims to develop and manufacture advanced Defense equipment, bringing important capabilities, creating new jobs, and ensuring the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, especially in the Defense sector.

According to Avibras President João Brasil Carvalho Leite, the cooperation adds even more value to Avibras' business, reinforcing the longstanding partnership between the company and Saudi Arabia.

One of SCOPA's objectives is to contribute to the defense sector by identifying ways to invest in the private sector and create employment opportunities for Saudi nationals. To this end, the company believes that establishing private defense industries will stimulate other sectors such as industrial equipment, communications, and information technology.

SCOPA aims to establish partnerships with world-leading companies to provide advanced defense solutions, with a strong emphasis on local manufacturing.

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 About Avibras

Avibras is a Brazilian technology and innovation company with unique industrial capacity and recognized worldwide for the excellence and quality of its products, systems and engineering solutions in the areas of Aeronautics, Space, Electronics, Vehicles and Defense.

 With more than 60 years of experience and certified as a Strategic Defence Company (EED), Avibras has consolidated its position as one of the world's leading companies in the Defense and Aerospace segment, with the development and manufacture of special vehicles for military purposes, becoming a reference in Multiple Rocket Launch System (MRLS), ballistic and guided rockets, missiles and pioneering participation in space research programs.

Known as a company that has the “Skills to build Skills”, Avibras is a System House, offering technological solutions to meet any need of its customers, showing real diversification and spin-off opportunities in Defence, Space and Complex Systems Integration.

Based in São José dos Campos, in Vale do Paraíba, the company is a pioneer in in-house, innovative and independent technology and operates in large facilities in Jacareí and Lorena. Its workforce is composed of highly qualified engineers, researchers and technicians capable of providing solutions for the most varied segments.


About SCOPA Defense

Established as the Kingdom's preeminent defense company, SCOPA's objective is to contribute effectively to the ambitious Vision 2030 program by creating organic military industries.

By providing innovative defense systems and services that meet the needs and requirements of the Saudi Armed Forces, SCOPA will expand and enhance the Kingdom's defense capabilities and ecosystem, as well as access global defense and security markets.

SCOPA was founded by Mohammad bin Abdulaziz Alajlan, the Vice Chairman of Ajlan & Bros Group, founded in 1979, which holds stakes in more than 75 companies and employs around 15,000 employees in 25 countries, being an active conglomerate in many strategic sectors.


Today, our #TBT is dedicated to the Operational Evaluation of loading and transporting the ASTROS System vehicle on the KC-390 aircraft, which took place earlier this month at the Air Base in Anápolis (GO), Brazil. This significant mission is part of the Third Phase of Operation Zeus, carried out by the Brazilian Air Force (FAB). The successful flight test demonstrated the remarkable aerotransportability capacity of the ASTROS vehicle by the KC-390, currently serving as the largest and heaviest vehicle transported by this aircraft. What a success!

Watch the video below!"


 operacao zeus


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From July 3 to 6, the Operational Evaluation on loading and transportation  an  ASTROS System vehicle in the KC-390 aircraft took place. The event, held at Anápolis Air Forçe Base, near Brasilia, is part of the Third Phase of Operation Zeus, which aims to evaluate the air transport of Brazilian Army Vehicles  and other materials on the new transport aircraft of the Brazilian Air Force (FAB).

During this period, tests were performed with the loading and restraint  of the Universal Multiple Launcher vehicle AV-LMU, model Mk6, from the Brazilian Army, in the cargo compartment of the KC-390.

The flight test carried out on Thursday, July 6th, successfully demonstrated the important air transport capability of the ASTROS vehicle by the KC-390, currently the largest and heaviest vehicle transported by the aircraft. This will allow the quick strategic displacement of the ASTROS System vehicles to any point in the country, including for deployment on joint missions abroad.

The ASTROS vehicle has a height-adjustable suspension and tire inflation system that facilitate its roll-on/roll-off transportation, making its loading and unloading very quick. The vehicle has several tie-down provisions that allow its safe restraint to the aircraft floor.

The operation successfully portrayed Avibras' intense cooperation with the Brazilian Air Force, the Brazilian Army and Embraer, which began in 2010 with the first test carried out with ASTROS vehicles 6x6 Mk5 and 4x4 Mk4 "loading" them on a mock-up of the KC-390 aircraft floor, carried out at the Department of Aerospace Science and Technology (DCTA), under the coordination of the Brazilian Air Force and with the participation of Embraer and Avibras. On the occasion, several opportunities for improvement were verified and the joint work resulted in an aircraft with high load capacity, which would make the new aircraft capable of transporting ASTROS System vehicles as well as other wheeled armoured vehicles  with similar weight to the ASTROS System Launcher.

The Operational Evaluation that took place in Anápolis required the mobilization of several Brazilian Air Force organizations under the coordination of the KC-X/KC-390 Program Technical Management, besides  the Brazilian Army Artillery Command, Embraer and Avibras.

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Avibras' Judicial Recovery Plan was approved by creditors in a virtual meeting this Thursday, July 6th, 2023. This is an important step in the company's economic and financial restructuring process, which also includes other recovery initiatives.

We know that we still have a lot of work ahead of us in the execution of our plan, but we remain firm and confident in building a new journey for Avibras.

The approved plan contains the cash generation flow, demonstrating the company's economic viability, the methods of payment to creditors and the means that will be used for the company's restructuring.

In parallel with the Judicial Recovery process, the company continues to focus on sales efforts both in Brazil and abroad. It is also seeking to expand its capital through direct investments of strategic companies, and the government is closely monitoring the evolution of this process.

Avibras would like to thank all its employees and other creditors for participating in the meeting and for their trust in the company's recovery. The company also reaffirms its effort and commitment to its recovery, with its employees, partners and customers.

The company remains confident that it will overcome all challenges and resume growth soon.

Press Office

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On the 5th, Avibras was one of the companies honored during the celebration of 30 years of work of the Aerospace Industries Association of Brazil (AIAB) for the development of the national industry. The company received an acknowledgement plaque for its contribution to the strengthening of the strategic aerospace sector and for being one of the founding companies of AIAB.

The event was attended by federal, state and municipal authorities, as well as affiliated companies and representatives of various entities in the country

We congratulate AIAB for its 30 years of history, promoting and defending the interests and objectives of Brazilian aerospace companies both in Brazil and abroad.

Photos: AIAB


Avibras recently won the bidding process for the cataloguing of the “Tamandaré Class” Frigates. The contract lasts for one year and may be extended.

The Brazilian Navy has been conducting the “Tamandaré Class” Frigates Program since 2017 with the objective of promoting the renewal of the fleet with four modern ships, of high technological complexity, built in the country and scheduled to be delivered between 2025-2029.

Avibras is the first private industry in Brazil to be able to act as a Cataloguing Unit (UniCat) together with the Ministry of Defence, reinforcing its pioneering spirit and expertise in this area. UniCats are entities authorized to provide cataloguing services for supply items used or of interest to the Armed Forces.

In December of last year, the company received a technical visit from the Support Centre for Defence Logistic Systems (CASLODE), which verified in loco Avibras’ excellence in providing cataloguing services.

Since 2016, Avibras has carried out and commercialized codification services, which consist of collecting technical data to establish the identification and ordering of items in the form of a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) catalogue, bringing international visibility to the products and prominence in the export scenario, in addition to economic and operational benefits in the logistics area. Avibras has already catalogued more than 20,000 items (part numbers) among its own and third-party equipment.

Photo: Agência Marinha de Notícias 

foto capa mansup

The Brazilian Navy successfully launched the fifth National Surface Anti-Ship Missile (MANSUP), on the last 26th, in the south of Cabo Frio (RJ). Avibras, which is part of the project, is responsible for the propulsion, wings and other items, in addition to the final integration of the missile.

The objective of the program is to develop and produce this important defence material in Brazil with 100% national technology. Currently, MANSUP is in the production phase of a pilot batch for the functional qualification of the missile in flight.

Avibras congratulates the Navy and the other partner companies Omnisys and Siatt for the successful launch.​


Photo: Agência Marinha de Notícias

LAAD 2023 Site 9

Avibras' participation in LAAD Defence & Security, held in Rio de Janeiro from April 11 to 14, was a success. The company presented its portfolio of products recognized in the world Defence and Security market to numerous foreign delegations, to the commands of the Brazilian Armed Forces and other national and international authorities, resulting in good business prospects.

Among the featured products were:

  • The ASTROS II MK6 (Rocket and Missile Artillery System), world reference in its class and proven in combat;
  • The Tactical Cruise Missile (TCM) capable of neutralizing targets up to 300 km;
  • The new ASTROS AFC (Autonomous Firing Calculation), a version designed to offer excellent cost-benefit, allowing it to operate alone or in section, its launcher has greater firepower and capacity to calculate firing elements, to fire and to seek shelter (Shoot-and-Scoot), minimizing the exposure of the AFC System;
  • The C4ISTAR, which is scalable from Battalion to Division and based on Avibras' decades of expertise in the ASTROS Command and Control System, having the interfaces for the integration of Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Search and Recognition functions and their respective connection with Command and Control Systems of higher echelons;
  • The ground-to-ground, air-to-ground, sea-to-ground and Antiship Missile Systems family;
  • And the ASTROS III, based on an 8x8 vehicle, which will have twice the firepower of the ASTROS AFC and will gather all the technological legacy of the ASTROS MK6, launching ballistic rockets, guided rockets, ballistic missiles and tactical cruise missiles.

Avibras' pioneering spirit and expertise in the space area were also evidenced at the fair through the VSB-30, a highly successful suborbital vehicle in the Brazilian Space Program, and the S50, the largest rocket engine ever manufactured in Brazil with 12 tons of solid propellant.

For Avibras, participating in LAAD was an excellent opportunity to promote its business, strengthen its relationship with the Brazilian Armed Forces and friendly nations, and to seek partnerships in research, development and production of new solutions for the market.

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Sistemas de Mísseis Terra Terra

Specialized in the development of innovative technological solutions in the areas of Defence, Aeronautics, Space, Electronics and Vehicles, Avibras Aerospace Industry will be present in another edition of LAAD Defence & Security, showcasing its portfolio of products recognized in the world market of Defence and Security. The fair, which is considered the largest and most important defence and security exhibition in Latin America, will be held from April 11 to 14 at Riocentro – Convention and Exhibition Centre, in Rio de Janeiro.

Guided by excellence and innovation, Avibras will present cutting-edge products at its stand located in Pavilion 4 – R50, such as:

  • The ASTROS II MK6 (Rocket and Missile Artillery System), world reference in its class and proven in combat;
  • The Tactical Cruise Missile (TCM) capable of neutralizing targets up to 300 km;
  • The new ASTROS AFC (Autonomous Firing Calculation), a version designed to offer excellent cost-benefit, allowing it to operate alone or in section, its launcher has greater firepower and capacity to calculate firing elements, to fire and to seek shelter (Shoot-and-Scoot), minimizing the exposure of the AFC System;
  • The C4ISTAR, which is scalable from Battalion to Division and based on Avibras' decades of expertise in the ASTROS Command and Control System, having the interfaces for the integration of Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Search and Recognition functions and their respective connection with Command and Control Systems of higher echelons;
  • The ground-to-ground, air-to-ground, sea-to-ground and Antiship Missile Systems family;
  • And the ASTROS III, based on an 8x8 vehicle, which will have twice the firepower of the ASTROS AFC and will gather all the technological legacy of the ASTROS MK6, launching ballistic rockets, guided rockets, ballistic missiles and tactical cruise missiles.

The company will also bring its pioneering spirit and expertise in the space area with the VSB-30, a highly successful suborbital vehicle in the Brazilian Space Program, and the S50, the largest rocket engine ever manufactured in Brazil with 12 tons of solid propellant and innovative technologies such as the use of carbon fibre for the production of the motor case, making it lighter and more efficient.

With its participation in this exhibition, Avibras strengthen its solid partnership and commitment with the Brazilian Armed Forces for the development of high added-value technologies that aim at the country's sovereignty, such as the tactical cruise missile undergoing certification with the Brazilian Army, and the company reinforces its reliability as a partner to boost cutting-edge technological knowledge in Brazil and abroad.

Operação ASTROS AFC 

Operation ASTROS AVC


About Avibras

Avibras is a Brazilian technology and innovation company with unique industrial capacity and recognized worldwide for the excellence and quality of its products, systems and engineering solutions in the areas of Aeronautics, Space, Electronics, Vehicles and Defence.

With more than 60 years of experience and certified as a Strategic Defence Company (EED), Avibras has consolidated its position as one of the world's leading companies in the Defence and Aerospace segment, with the development and manufacture of special vehicles for military purposes, becoming a reference in Multiple Rocket Launch System (MRLS), ballistic and guided rockets, missiles and pioneering participation in space research programs.

Known as a company that has the “Skills to build Skills”, Avibras is a System House, offering technological solutions to meet any need of its customers, showing real diversification and spin-off opportunities in Defence, Space and Complex Systems Integration.

Based in São José dos Campos, in Vale do Paraíba, the company is a pioneer in in-house, innovative and independent technology and operates in large facilities in Jacareí and Lorena. Its workforce is composed of highly qualified engineers, researchers and technicians capable of providing solutions for the most varied segments.


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Avibras appreciates the latest manifestations of recognition of its strategic importance for the sovereignty of Brazil. The company is strongly committed to ensuring its recovery, facing the challenges and difficulties of the moment with the support, resilience and engagement of its employees.

After almost two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, undoubtedly the worst health crisis in recent human history, the company requested Judicial Recovery, a measure that helps companies in their economic and financial restructuring. Even with the conditions imposed by the pandemic, Avibras maintained its operations and preserved as many jobs as possible, however, the company could not minimize the impacts of the crisis on its business. Parallel to the Judicial Recovery process, the company remains focused on sales both in Brazil and abroad. The Brazilian government is also mobilized to actively support the company in its recovery initiatives.

Avibras is seeking to increase its capital through direct investments of strategic companies and the government closely monitors the evolution of this process, which is complex and confidential. There are several potential investors, yet no transaction has taken place so far. In the search for new investors, the priority of Avibras and the Brazilian government is to maintain the company's operations in Brazil together with its human, physical and intellectual capital, thus preserving its history of achievements built over six decades.

Avibras reinforces its engagement and commitment to recovery and to its employees, partners and customers. The company is confident that it will overcome all challenges and soon will resume its growth with work, innovation and creativity.

Public Relations

March 31, 2023

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Avibras was recently classified in third place for obtaining subsidy resources from the Financier of Studies and Projects (Finep) through the call for innovation for the Defence Industrial Base (BID), which encourages the development of innovative solutions in the area of Defence. 42 projects from various BID companies were presented, eight of which were classified within the available resources limit.

Avibras’ project is related to the suggested area of guidance, control and navigation for applications in missiles and rockets with the proposal to develop the Navigation Support Unit for Ballistic Missiles. “The objective is to create a system capable of guiding the ballistic missile on its path to the target through of Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMs) Sensors and Non-Linear Algorithms, which are innovative”, explained Mário Corrêa, technical manager and creator of the support unit proposal.

For the development of the project, Avibras will receive a contribution from Finep of R$ 14,935,529.92 over three years. Work begins in the first semester of 2023.

“The project proposal was built within the purpose of the Avibras Space for Technology and Innovation (EATI), to be the company's technology and innovation embassy and in accordance with the company's business strategy. It will also have the participation of the Von Braun Research Center, an important partner institute in the relationship with EATI”, highlighted Luiz Gentil, manager of EATI.

Congratulations to everyone involved in this project!


