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Focused on the development of new technologies and markets, Avibras is presenting its capacity for developing military systems at Locked Shields, the largest cyber defence simulation exercise in the world, to the countries that compose The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and other invited nations.

The annual event, organized by the Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE), started on April 13 and will continue until the April 16 in Tallinn, Estonia, considered the most digital country in the globe. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, the event this year is conducted virtually and counts with the participation of 25 nations.  

The objective of the competition is to train the cyber defence teams which mission is to defend the infrastructures of Berylia - a fictional country in war with a neighboring nation (Crimsonia).

The participants are divided in five groups actuating in the following areas: fictional country infrastructure (Green Team), attack, (Red Team), defence (Blue Team), monitoring of activities (Yellow Team) and control of the exercise (White Team).

Avibras and Atech, representing Brazil’s defence industry, are part of the Green Team, which acts on the infrastructure of Berylia, collaborating in the coordination of the activities and supplying the scenario with an Air Defence System.

The invitation for this important event occurred during the International Conference on Cyber Conflict (CyCon), organized by CCDCOE, at which Avibras accompanied a committee of the Brazilian Army (EB) Command of Cyber Defence.

A group of Avibras engineers is allocated at the Avibras Innovation and Technology Space (EATI) to focus on the competition.

Potential – Engineer Fernando Arantes believes this to be a great opportunity to show Avibras’ skills to develop systems in a prominent international context. “The success obtained up to this point is the result of a team focused on the concept of Security by Design and exclusively dedicated to this Project”, Fernando declared.

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We are attending the 13th edition of Milipol Qatar to show our technological capacity in the areas of Security and Defense. The fair takes place in Doha until March 17.  Avibras is part of the Brazilian Pavilion, initiative of ABIMDE (Brazilian Association of Defense and Security Materials Industries) and Apex-Brasil (Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency).

We are grateful for the support of the Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and SEPROD (Defense Products Secretary) to our participation at the fair.

Avibras believes international fairs to be excellent platforms of international sales consolidation besides establishing institutional presence and solidifying insertion into the global market.

Avibras is taking part in the International Defence Exhibition and Conference (IDEX), one of the largest Defence exhibitions in the world.  The company is at the ABIMDE Pavilion (Brazilian Association of Defense and Security Material Industries) with other companies of the sector.

IDEX began on Sunday, 21/02, at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, in the United Arab Emirates, and will continue until Thursday, 25th.   The exhibition will feature the latest technological advances and innovations related to the defence industry and will contribute to develop relationships between large international companies. 

Avibras considers its participation in IDEX to be an excellent opportunity to promote the company’s business, specially its high added-value products and services offered by the company to the international market, generating excellent perspectives for the company.

entrega lorena2

Avibras donated on 20/11, videolaryngoscope kits to the city of Lorena. This initiative is part of the supporting actions to the community in the combat against COVID-19. 

With this donation, the company was able to cover all of its actuation area in Vale do Paraiba. The cities of São José dos Campos and Jacareí have already received the equipment. 

The equipment, developed by Avibras in partnership with Protec (medical equipment supplier), is essential to prevent the contamination of the doctors and their team during the intubation of patients.

A new batch of kits is in production and will be donated to hospitals of other nearby cities.


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Avibras signed on monday, 23/11, in Brasilia, a Memorandum of Understanding with the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) formalizing the intention to develop a family of long-range cruise missiles. This project will have n the participation of FAB especially regarding the sharing of expertise. The objective of the agreement is to collaborate in the development of a reliable, efficient and technological product to meet the operational needs of the Air Force.

Avibras’ President, João Brasil, was welcomed by the Air Force  Commander, Lieutenant-Brigadier Antonio Carlos Moretti Bermudez.

João Brasil highlighted the long-term partnership with the Air Force, “It is the confirmation of a combined work that has began in 2004. Now we will, indeed, work in a project that will make a great difference to our country which makes us incredibly proud”.

According to Lieutenant-Brigadier Bermudez, FAB initial contribution in the Project will concern to the conceptual development phase. “It is a remarkable moment for the Air Force since this document gathers all that has been discussed and now we are taking the firsts steps towards the beginning of it”, he affirmed. 

The project – The MICLA-BR, as stablished in the Air Force Strategic Plan (PEMAER) is a national project to develop a long-range cruise missile with jet engine based propulsion to be launched from aerial platforms.

The knowledge acquired during the development of the MICLA will enable the design of a family of similar missiles for the various conflict scenarios set by the Brazilian Armed Forces using cutting-edge technology.

The benefits of this initiative go beyond the improvement of the nation defense capability; it will also contribute to the development of the Defense Industrial Base, creating jobs, technological evolution and the possibility of exporting high added-value technological products.

Source: Brazilian Air Force (FAB)


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Avibras donated on wednesday, 18/10, a videolaryngoscope to the Ministry of Defense, which will be directed to the Armed Forces Hospital (HFA). The president of the company, João Brasil, was welcomed in Brasilia by the director of the Department of Trade and Investment Promotion of the Defense Product Secretary (SEPROD), Division General Duizit Brito.

The initiative of the company is part of its actions to support the combat of COVID-19 pandemic in the community. The equipment, developed by Avibras in partnership with Protec (medical equipment supplier) and homologated by the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) is essential to prevent the contamination of the doctors and their team during the intubation of patients.

In addition to the Ministry of Defense, Avibras has already donated videolaryngoscopes to the hospitals of São José dos Campos and Jacarei. The company is manufacturing another batch, which will be donated to hospitals in other cities.


Constantly searching for business excellence, Avibras has been structuring its action focusing on the sustainable growth of the company in accordance with the best world practices. This movement implies a permanent commitment with sustainability, including changes and updates in processes, operations and actions, as well as innovation, which must be part of the employee’s daily routine.

Thus, for the fourth consecutive year, Avibras publishes its Sustainability Report – 2019 with the objective of informing its strategic audience on the company’s initiatives and results, reporting practices and sharing knowledge.

Click here to access the report!

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Avibras donated on tuesday, 20/10, nine videolaryngoscope kits to the city of São José dos Campos, which will distribute them among the city hospitals. This initiative is part of the supporting actions to the community in the combat against COVID-19. 

The equipment, developed by Avibras in partnership with Protec (medical equipment supplier), is essential to prevent the contamination of the doctors and their team during the intubation of patients.

Several areas of the company were involved since engineering and supply chain to industrial manufacture. It was developed in accordance with the Integrated Development of the Product (DIP) and with some simplifications and evolutions; the project includes the transformation of the laryngoscope into a videolaryngoscope by adapting the Protec equipment using a camera with LED lights and a screen to provide an enhanced view of the larynx and vocal chords through a live video.

The camera is connected to a tablet, which runs an application developed by Avibras, to show the recorded images and guide the doctor during the procedure reducing the workload and the chances of errors when intubating the patient. The doctor follows the procedure through the screen, keeping a safe distance from the patient, avoiding a possible contamination.

In conjunction with the videolaryngoscope, the kit is also composed by the acrylic protection box to support the intubation procedure and the tablet support.

Other cities will also receive Avibras donation. Besides Sao Jose, Lorena will receive its kits within the next few weeks. Jacarei received the donation on october 5.

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Continuing with the support actions against COVID-19, Avibras donated on Monday, 05/10, nine videolaryngoscope kits to the city of Jacareí, which will distribute them among the city hospitals.  The equipment, developed by Avibras in partnership with Protec (medical equipment supplier), is essential to prevent the contamination of the doctors and their team during the intubation of patients.  

The project includes the transformation of the laryngoscope into a videolaryngoscope by adapting the Protec equipment using a camera with LED lights and a screen to provide an enhanced view of the larynx and vocal chords through a live video.

The camera is connected to a tablet, which runs an application developed by Avibras, to show the recorded images and guide the doctor during the procedure reducing the workload and the chances of errors when intubating the patient.

The doctor follows the procedure through the screen, keeping a safe distance from the patient, avoiding a possible contamination.

In conjunction with the videolaryngoscope, the kit is also composed by the acrylic protection box to support the intubation procedure and the tablet support.

To accomplish this project, Avibras and Protec had the support from the Bronchoscopy and Pneumology Medical Team of the Hospital das Clínicas of Sao Paulo and Doctor Andre Chiga from Hospital Sao Francisco of Jacareí.  

The initiative was achievable thanks to the emergency standards published by ANVISA (National Health Surveillance Agency), which loosened the mandatory license for companies that do not usually supply medical equipment so that it was possible to contribute with the combat actions against COVID-19. As the technical responsible party before ANVISA, Protec offered technical consulting, ensuring the compliance of the project with the standards and register of the product.

Other cities, such as Sao Jose dos Campos and Lorena, will also receive the kits within the next few weeks. 

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face shield

Avibras donated on Thursday, 27/08, the last batch of face shield masks manufactured by Avibras to the city of São José dos Campos. The protective equipment will be destined to the health professionals of public hospitals of the city who are assisting the victims of Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Throughout six months of the pandemic, besides São José dos Campos, Avibras donated several batches of masks to the cities of Jacareí, Lorena, Taubaté, Piquete, Jambeiro and Caçapava covering all of its actuation area in Vale do Paraíba and concluding this front of support.

The manufacture and donation of face shield masks integrated the work front actions created by the company aiming at reducing the impacts of the pandemic in the communities and giving support to the victims of COVID-19.

Following the example of other companies, Avibras understands its responsibility and connection towards the society and believes that solidarity initiatives bring hope and humanity to people and business.

mascara lorena mascara jacarei

Lorena received on thursday, 30/07, the first batch of face shield masks manufactured by Avibras. The protective equipment will be used by the health professionals of public hospitals of the city who are assisting the victims of Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Last wednesday, 29/07, Jacarei received its third batch of face masks. 

Along with Lorena and Jacarei, Avibras has already donated to Sao Jose dos Campos, Taubate, Jambeiro, Caçapava and Piquete.  

Thereby, the company managed to cover completely its area of actuation in Vale do Paraiba, assisting the communities in the fight against the virus.


piquete doacao

Piquete received on Wednesday, July 8, one more batch of face shield masks manufactured by Avibras.

The protective equipment are being widely used by the health professionals of public hospitals of the city who are assisting the victims of Coronavirus (COVID-19).

The company continues with the donation of masks to the cities in the region. Jacareí, São José dos Campos, Taubaté, Jambeiro and Caçapava have already received a batch of the product.

mascaras doacao

Avibras donated on Wednesday, June 24, an additional batch of face shield masks to the city of São José dos Campos.

The protective equipment will be used by the health professionals assisting the victims of Coronavirus (COVID-19).

In addition to São José, Avibras has already donated to the cities of Jacareí, Taubaté, Jambeiro, Piquete and Caçapava.

This is one of company’s actions of support to the community in the fight against the pandemic.

Entrega Mascaras cacapava Entrega Mascaras Jambeiro

The Municipal Governments of Jambeiro and Caçapava received, on June 2, face shield masks manufactured and donated by Avibras. The protective equipment will be used by the health professionals assisting the victims of Coronavirus (COVID-19).

With its technological expertise, the company has implemented initiatives in its acting areas to combat the proliferation of the virus in Vale do Paraiba Region, reinforcing the importance of the integration between business and politics leaderships.

Avibras has already donated to the cities of São José dos Campos, Jacareí, Taubaté and Piquete.


We have adopted the best practices to fight COVID-19 in our facilities. Besides taking care of our personnel, we have put our technology and expertise in service of our community helping helthcare professionals the are at the front line of this battle in our region.

Watch the video!


entrega taubate entrega piquete

This Tuesday, 26/05, Avibras donated face shield masks to the city authorities of Taubaté and Piquete. The protective equipment will be used by health professionals working on the front line against Coronavirus (COVID-19).

The company has already donated to the cities of São José dos Campos and Jacareí and will continue with internal actions working against the proliferation of the virus inside and outside of its facilities and also with efforts to support the community aiming at the well-being of people.

Other donations are expected for the coming weeks. For Avibras, initiatives of solidarity bring hope and humanity to people and business.

face shield2 acao externa coronavirus 2

Avibras donated more face shield masks to the health professionals working on the front line against Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the region. This time, Jacarei municipal government received the protective equipment on wednesday, May 13.

The company created a work front dedicated to find short-term solutions and alternatives to decrease the progress of the pandemic in its area of activity: Sao Jose dos Campos, Jacarei and Lorena, assisting health professionals.

The donations to other communities of the area will continue in the next few weeks.

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Avibras donated this Friday, May 8, face shield masks to the city of Sao Jose dos Campos. The company is ahead of various supporting initiatives against Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Sao Jose dos Campos, Jacarei and Lorena, assisting health professionals working on the front line, contributing to the prevention, treatment and reduction of impacts of the pandemic.

The masks were manufactured by the company and are in accordance with ABNT NBR ISO 13688:2017 standard for healthcare workers. The masks model is adjustable and reusable.

Several areas of the company were involved in the project, including product engineering, industrial production and supply chain.

Avibras believes that this is the moment for solidarity and care. The support initiatives to combat the pandemic also reinforces the role of the company in the sustainable development of the local community.

In the next few weeks, Avibras will also make donations to the cities of Jacarei and Lorena.

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 Avibras donated, on April 22, (Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to RINEM (Rede Integrada de Emergência, Emergency Integrated Network) of the Vale do Paraiba region. The equipment will be used by professionals who work assisting the victims of COVID-19 in the area.

The donation included disposable protective gloves and coveralls with hoods in different sizes. The action is part of a series of initiatives of the company to support the combat of coronavirus proliferation. 

Created 28 years ago, RINEM assists in emergencies that can endanger human life, public assets or the environment. Besides Avibras, other 42 companies are part of this network under the coordination of the Fire Department. There are more than 60 communication stations, including the Secretary of  State.

transferencia tecnologia 1

Avibras Aerospace Industry and the Aeronautics and Space Institute (IAE) from the Department of Science and Aerospace Technology (DCTA) signed this Monday, January 20th, a technology transfer agreement granting  production and commercialization rights over the VSB-30, the most successful suborbital vehicle of the Brazilian Space Program.

Thirty-one launches have already been made, all successfully, being four from the Alcantara Launch Center (CLA), in Maranhao, and twenty-seven from the Esrange Space Center, in Sweden.  The platform is capable to perform experiments with application in satellites, space vehicles and in the pharmaceutic industry.

The technology transfer agreement will allow the continuity of the industrialization and commercialization of the VSB-30 with technological enhancements, besides boosting the development of internationally competitive national launcher vehicles for micro satellites. 

Developed by IAE, result of the cooperation between Brazil and Germany, the VSB-30 is launched by a rail system, stabilized by fins and has bearing inductors that are activated when the vehicle leaves the rails.  It has two stages of solid propulsion and carries scientific and technological loads up to 400 kilograms to an altitude of 270 kilometers enabling experiments in micro gravity environment for up to 6 minutes.

The VSB-30 is certified, qualified and considered safe, reliable and stable.  Due to its characteristics, the VSB-30 has an excellent acceptance in the international scenario of orbital vehicles and becomes pioneer in the process of space technology transfer in Brazil.

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Competences - With expertise in the development of national technological solutions in the aerospace area, being a pioneer in the Brazilian Space Program, Avibras is the only 100% Brazilian owned private Company that has enough competence to integrate launchers to the Brazilian Space Program.

 Avibras Commercial Vice-President Leandro Villar, considers a privilege for the company to receive a product that is both successful and consolidated in the market.  According to him, the initiative also fortifies the triple helix, a concept that points to a conjunct action between company, academia and government as the direction for technological innovation and economic development of the country.  “With this program we want to amplify Brazil’s leadership in the space area, enhancing the Brazilian Space Program, and also generate employment”, highlighted Leandro. 

Currently, Avibras takes part of the development and manufacturing of the S50 rockets engines of the Microsatellite Launcher Vehicle (VLM-1) in the scope of the National Program of Space Activities of the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB).

According to him, Brazil can have a relevant role in the Space Market since it has acquired several competences through research and innovation in the Space area throughout almost six decades, developed a competent industrial base, and has a Launch Base in Alcantara (CLA) with privileged geographical position, factors that are not usually combined in one single country.

The General-Director of DCTA, General Luiz Fernando de Aguiar, pointed out that this is a unique moment for Brazil. “We are transferring for the industry a product that is already tested and has Brazilian technology. We have completely fulfilled the maturity life cycle of the product”, he declared. 

According to IAE Director, Major General Engineer Cesar Demetrio Santos, Avibras will conduct the project with competence.  “It is the consolidation of a dream. This approximation with the industry is essential to promote the Space Program”, he stated. 

Lieutenant General Hudson Costa Potiguara, who will take DCTA Office this week, affirmed that such partnerships strengthen the industry. “I see excellence in this project. Avibras is a strong industry, constant partner of DCTA, and has as one of its missions to be the fomenter of industry”.   

